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Advice about a Company

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  • #6499

    Hey all,

    Just received an email from Indicomm basically saying I’ve made the shortlist which for me is great. But they have asked a few questions, which I’ve answering all but one.

    As a Junior/Trainee ROV P/T what would be a fair day rate?
    As I’ve got no experience yet with the industry and the pay rate spreadsheet hasn’t been updated. I was wondering what kind of day rates do us green P/T earn, and if anyone works for or has worked for Indicomm what are their normal Junior day rates, and another question from myself can anyone tell me what Indicomm are like to work for?

    This would be great if you guys could help me on this on as you know it can be hard getting that first break into the industry with all the hundreds of other trainees other there.

    Cheers Everyone

    Andy Shiers

    They sound like another start up Agency to me ๐Ÿ˜•
    And considering that they are willing to "Take -on " Trainees for such a specialised industry ,……………… I for one will not employ them or contemplate using them for this reason !
    They are Leaches which this industry have too many of and I will blacklist them !
    My advice …………………. Don’t bother.
    Contact the ROV operators ……………. Not Start up Agencies wanting to "Get in on the band wagon" ………………….. Hope this helps 8)


    Lostboy. Please do your homework before you slag off a company.
    I was working for Indicomm 16 years ago and they have huge contracts in the Subea cable industry

    Andy Shiers

    Well , If this is not ………….
    Indicomm Global products Specialising in an unparalleled knowledge in the Renewable (onshore & offshore), Oil & Gas and Subsea markets, and a full understanding of your potential requirements. Recent advances in technology have increased the demand for ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle), Oil & Gas and Renewable Energy personnel. We hold an extensive database of high calibre, experienced and fully qualified specialist personnel, who are either well known to us, or have been thoroughly reference checked and vetted by us.

    Or ………………………

    Indicomm has a solid reputation within the industry for hiring high calibre personnel and providing a one-stop service, which means clients donโ€™t need to get bogged down with peripheral issues such as travel arrangements and medical needs. For this reason, Indicomm is much in demand, so the recruitment drive is intensifying.

    Indicomm is currently recruiting for ROV and Renewables personnel, as well as for High voltage engineers for projects in the Middle East, South America and Africa. A series of recruitment meetings in three areas of the UK, to be held in the next few months, will be announced shortly.

    The company has a new website, which will play a crucial role in the recruitment campaign, as well as keeping clients and personnel up to speed with the latest company news. Directors Gez Fairbairn & Steve Jones said: โ€˜We work in a very fast-moving industry, and one of the roles of our new website is to be an online news desk, keeping people up to date with what weโ€™re doing. It will also broaden the scope and efficiency of our recruitment process.โ€™

    ……………….. Then I stand corrected and this other company that you worked for should take this particular company to court for have a similar name !

    If it IS the same company …………………… Then I suggest you Re Read the original question and my answer Mr Bandito …………… As it still stands ! ROV Trainee PILOT !
    ’cause when THEY state ………

    We hold an extensive database of high calibre, experienced and fully qualified specialist personnel, who are either well known to us, or have been thoroughly reference checked and vetted by us.

    Sort of makes a mockery of the whole thing when they are willing to put trainees out on a job which then causes ME and others like ME to get well and truly PISSED off ……………………
    So Shove that up your pipe and Smoke it ! Have a nice day ๐Ÿ˜€


    Lostboy ( SORRY BAD LANGUAGE )
    This company has the same managing director who I know personally.
    You stand corrected

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