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  • #657

    Recent extracts from a popular offshore rag, make of this as you want:

    "the marine construction & offshore engineering sector is facing a serious skills shortage"

    "more than 5000 jobs are expected to be created in the next three years"

    "many companies are experiencing significant challenges recruiting sufficient trained & skilled personnel"

    "the industry will commission at least 50 new offshore construction vessels in the next 2-3 years"

    "the drilling industry will commission around 40 floating drill rigs & around 100 new ROVs will be built"

    "the ROV spreads will require some 1200 additional personnel"

    Great news for the experienced guys ££££ 😀 $$$$ and aspiring new chaps but potential nightmare for the industry to be flooded with nuggets 🙄


    Ray Shields

    Hence why guys think they should be Senior Pilots after a year (or Supervisor after 2!)

    There is no time to get people enough training/experience to meet demand, hence overall skill level of teams will reduce.

    My lot are looking at taking on 200 more ROV people worldwide this year alone.

    LOADS of opportunities for experienced folk, however as the Companies realise they can get by with less experienced, they wont pay permium rates for experience. Wait till they lose the first few subs LoL! 😀 😀

    Andy Shiers

    Loose them 😆
    When they canna fix them and the system gets thrown off 😆

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