Home Forums General Industry News Updates & Discussions Reach Subsea to Deploy ‘The Surveyor’ ROV for Troll A Works

Reach Subsea to Deploy ‘The Surveyor’ ROV for Troll A Works

Home Forums General Industry News Updates & Discussions Reach Subsea to Deploy ‘The Surveyor’ ROV for Troll A Works

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    Together with its strategic partner within Offshore Survey, Marine

    Mætteknik (MMT) in Gothenburg, Reach has developed, and recently started production of, a new generation, innovative survey ROV, The “Surveyor” specially designed for pipeline inspection and seabed surveys.
    The new asset will be delivered during the summer 2014 and will be operated in close cooperation with MMT aboard a suitable vessel.
    Reach Subsea has signed a contract with EMAS AMC for “Offshore Pre-Lay Survey, Deburial and Preparation Work” for the Troll A field in the North Sea. The operations will be performed during the first quarter with Reach’s own ROV-equipment and personnel together with MMT. Duration is approximately 1 month.
    Reach Subsea has signed an agreement with MMT for ROV services including personnel on board their vessel with an intended duration of approximately 2 months in the German Bight waters starting in January 2014.

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