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Asking for some advice

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Asking for some advice

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  • #6612

    Hey guys,

    I’ve just been offered a trainee position within a small company that manly does diving support jobs, but they also have a few small oil & gas jobs, as well as dam inspections, ship hull inspections, search and recovery etc, basically a bit of this and a bit of that.

    I think this may be worth experiencing, that is to have some experience at a wide range of jobs, but in saying that you don’t become a SME on any one task. I will be working in a small team of may 1 or 3 others depending on the job on both a Inspection class and a working class ROV.

    So I was wondering if this will be an issue with larger companies if I decided to in the future apply for a position?

    Cheers All


    Hey Bundy_no3,

    Good effort on getting a place anywhere! Any experience you can get will be good. TBH the smaller companies will probably look after you better than the majority of the big ones as you become just a number….

    Learn as much as you can!




    Cheers Des_b,

    It’s not 100% guaranteed yet but should still happen.

    That’s what I was thinking as well, with smaller companies. I do plan to gain as much experience as I can with through their ROV pilots. It’s one thing I’ve always managed to do, to gain as much knowledge as possible from others. I’m just hope it doesn’t affect me in the long run, as I would like to experience different ROV’s and conditions.

    But hey first thing first,
    I have to get the job, and then work on gaining experience.

    James McLauchlan

    Any experience has to be a good thing. Go for it. It will not affect future work with bigger companies in the slightest. The trick is to get into the game and gain experience. This opportunity will do just that for you.

    Good luck! :tup:


    Thanks Jamesmc

    James McLauchlan

    Thanks Jamesmc

    You’re welcome 😉

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