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Subsea 7 apprentices

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    I saw they took on some a few months back does anyone have any info on what type of people the took on[ ages ect] and what sort of training their getting.


    i have an interview this thursday. Im a bit nervous as im not sure as to what questions they will ask me. Im a car mechanic to trade so i have been swatting up on my electrical side. Anyone know what sort of things they will ask. Its for a position as a trainee ROV pilot.


    I just joined with the last batch, the interview isn’t too bad, mostly basic electrical and hydraulic questions. Be honest and say you aren’t electrical, a lot of the guys in my batch are mechanics also. I have a HND and I think a few others have also so they’re not really looking for degree holders or any rocket scientists. Good luck 😀


    I spoke to mark and told him i lean more towards the mechanical side. He said scott will give me pointers which i thought was good of him.


    Well done craigieloon,
    I’m a mechanic with lots of other experience, as in offshore work, welding, outboards, tugboats, barges, blah blah. But ain’t had any luck yet maybe because were I am. Heading back to the U.k to carry on the search. Good luck with the interview, hearing you are a mechanic keeps me inspired, as sometimes I am unsure whether I have what they are looking for, being a mechanic myself, lack of electronics. Keep us posted on how you go, once again goodluck.


    thanks mick. Il let you know how i get on. Willingness to learn is the most important thing. I fiddle about with ECU’s but i dunno if that is going to help me in anyway shape or form. Probably not. I can only do my best. I love my job just now. I work for Honda and its brilliant but i fancy a change and this certainly fits the bill as far as changes go. LOL


    Hi there I think you are going for trainee jobs the apprenticeships they were advertising were for people with no previous exp/qualifactions and start at nvq level 2 stuff which most of you appear to have surpassed


    If i were interviewing you and you said you leaned more towards the mechanical side or electrical for that matter i wouldnt give you the time of day!!!!
    You are a mechanic and stick to that. by all means give them any electrical experience you have. But first and foremost you are a mechanic, push yourself as that and you will get their attention.
    Dont bullshit you will soon be spotted. Emphasise what you are good at.
    Not what you are not.
    Same advice goes to any sparkies trying.
    Good luck let us know how you get on.


    thanks for the advice rover37. I have told them already that im a mechanic and thats what i do. The electrical side i hope to pick up more of as i go along. I know the basics but thats really it. Plus my electrical side is more automotive. 12v max baby. LOL

    I have alreday told them i lean towards the mechanical side, as i my experience lies in that direction and not in the electrical side.


    Well i have been offered a job with subsea7 yet i have no background as a technician of any sort. All i have is an ONC which i completed a good few years ago now with a little bit of practical experience messing about with cars. I`m very nervous to say the least, i applied for the job thinking that it would be on an apprenticeship type basis but it isnt so i have a lot of learning ahead of me. I`m going to Cumbria early may for the ROV course for a week then i`ll be doing my survival etc in Aberdeen i think, any advice on what i should be doing in the meantime anyone?


    First off, congratulations.
    You are joining a company whose Rov crews are getting quite miffed over pay rises or lack of them. Its not just Sclub but industry wide. Irrespective of what course you study the only real knowledge and experience which is useful is how to operate in the practical environment. I am not trying to belittle the course, far from it but you will (should) learn more during your first trip offshore.
    The only issue you should be aware of is personalities, some good, some arrogant and some indifferent – the job is great. If you can glean as much info from this site and prepare to absorb as much info when you start, have a flexible attitude and an open mind you should have a good time.
    Best of luck

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