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Jobs on at the moment

Home Forums ROV ROV Work – Agency Requirements Jobs on at the moment

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    Rob Pattenden

    Hi All,

    We’ve got quite a few jobs on at the moment. We are in short supply of Seaeye personell, particularly supervisors but also techs. If you are free we have several jobs that you would be suitable for.

    Also just looking for a triton Supervisor for Libya…

    Magnum Supervisors for Angola and Eq. Guinea…

    Sealion Supervisors for Indonesia, and…

    Triton pilot techs for Dutch sector North Sea.

    All of the jobs above are going out in the next week to ten days. We have other jobs going out later but feel free to get in touch for more details on those. Please note we are still having problems with our website but these should hopefully be sorted shortly.

    If you are interested in any of these please feel free to call either me, Will or Claire or send CVs to rob@subservpro.com.

    +44(0)1295 225000

    Ray Shields

    >>Also just looking for a triton Supervisor for Libya… <<

    No, its for an MRV. American rig, good food, easy life, great weather (my relief!!)


    Rob Pattenden

    Sorry Ray, my mistake! It’s been a long day… 😕

    Actually we are urgently looking for a Triton tech to go UK sector North Sea tomorrow for 4 weeks if there are any takers???



    oops Ray,
    Sounds like you’re stuck!

    Guys could hold an auction at the mo’. 😉


    Ray Shields

    The thing is about all thess "urgent" jobs is that Clients used to be willing to pay a higher rate the more urgent the job is – they dont seem to want to be doing that nowadays.

    Anyway, I have a holiday booked and if I dont get off they will have my wife to deal with – and the office certainly doesn’t want THAT!
    😆 😆


    If its any consolation, I’ve seen the emails & Claire has had the word out for a few days already.

    Safe-home. ➡


    8) Hey Ray now that wouldnt be our favourite MRV 5 now would it na couldnt imagine them getting you back on there? ummm now where was the Attwood Hunter going after Mauritania ah thats right Libya such a luvly place
    Does she still throw a tantrum on the thrusters and go wizzing around in circles like a dog in heat, priceless
    Condolances to the wife and sorry to hear about the holidays
    Have fun i am back in Asia such bliss
    Anton Z 😀

    Ray Shields

    That just adds to the excitement of a lazy day! Nooo, its been very well behaved for the last couple of months. One dive every 2 days.

    Last thruster whizzing session was due to replacing a servo valve straight out of the packet with another duff servo valve (‘we’ve changed the valve, it cant POSSIBLY be that’ and proceeding to rip everything else apart instead…)

    We’ve had a full crew on for last 4 weeks as this is just a 1 week well (4 weeks later we are all still here!) so all the inventorys done, the LARS trolley is chipped and painted and the handrails are sparkly! 42C during the day so Im glad Im on nights.

    Reliefs are sorted, am off here a week Thursday 🙂

    I didnt find Libya that bad, decent enough hotel and Im used to standing waiting for Agents to sort themselves out after working in Egypt! AND I met Euan MacGregor at the hotel in Tripoli as he was passing through on his latest Long way Down tour.

    cheers, Ray

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