Home Forums Jokes! Have a Laugh! :) A guy walks into a bar…

A guy walks into a bar…

Home Forums Jokes! Have a Laugh! :) A guy walks into a bar…

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  • #84
    Gina McLauchlan

    This is one carried over from the old forum

    A guy walks into a bar and sits on a stool. Next to him is a big jar of money, and the guy asks the bartender “Hey, whats all that money for?”
    Well the bartender replies “There’s a contest, and whoever wins gets the money.”
    The guy asks, after downing a few shots “Well, whata I have to do?”
    Bartender replies “You see that 300lb. Fat guy? You haveto butt his face.”
    The guy nods, goes over and hits the guy in the face. Comes back takes some shots and says “What next?”
    Bartender replies “Now you have to pull the tooth off a rabid bulldog, and go screw the hooker upstairs for an hour.”
    The guy takes a few more good shots, takes the pliers and goes outside. He’s gone for quite awhile, and the bartender begins to believe he simply gave up. After about an hour, the guy stumbles back in, gripping the pliers and shouts..
    “Wheres that hooker that needs her tooth pulled?!”

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