Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner need some advice

need some advice

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner need some advice

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    hello…i’m new here and i would like to ask a few questions

    I have a HND in mechanical engineering and i’m very interested to start a
    career in ROV. However, i do not really have much practical experience in
    hydraulics/electrical/electronics as i have just graduated. Can anyone give me any advice on how i should start?

    Since an ROV pilot/technician works with both hydraulics & electrical/electronics, does color deficiency affects a person’s chances of getting into this field? Or should i say a person with color deficiency has no chance at all?

    Thank you very much to anyone who can advice on this matter…


    Hi Albert-G, I’m not an old pro in this industry myself but it seem that Oceaneering are hireing in the GOM. Where bout’s are you located.


    Thanks for the information marley, really appreciate it. Will go through the website after this. Currently in Perth, WA and by the way, are you in the industry?

    thanks again mate!


    Hi Albert, yes I am in the industry, just not that long, 2yrs at present, its an interesting sort of gig, I work for them, got no complaints despite whats said by some on here. Check it out, good luck.


    Sclub/i-Tech seem to be growing out there and are based in Perth

    Subsea 7 Australia Pty Ltd
    Suite 4, Level 1
    2 Mill Street
    Western Australia
    Tel: +61 8 9420 9800
    Fax: +61 8 9420 9899

    Guy who runs it is someone I worked with back in the ’80s


    Thanks a million for the information my friend. Will try my luck soon and at the mean time learning more about ROVs as i’m still new to this thing.


    I have read quite a bit in this forum and there’s a lot of optimists and pessimists but good reading and advise.
    has anyone tried global Marine or do most of you head north to bonny scotland?


    Albert G

    I knew a guy who was deaf in one ear and colour blind and he was doing well offshore. Obviously being colour blind will stop you doing certain aspects of the job but as long as the guys you work with know then there shouldn’t be a problem.

    Good Luck


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