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    ❓ Hi Guys,

    Was in touch with Sonsub recently about a new start, and they said that it is their requirement for individuals to have completed the IMCA certified ROV course.
    I was wondering if this is a definitive prerequisite, or if with a technical background it could be bypassed? I know other companies do not ask for this requirement, as they do their own "in house" training.

    Any advice appreciated, again!!



    It sounds to me that Sonsub is getting pissed off with non-technical types wanting jobs that require technical knowledge. Not that the ‘ROV course’ will provide that technical shortfall….but it’s a polite way for Sonsub to say "no thanks".
    I’m fairly certain that if I turned up at my local hospital and asked to fill a doctors position, they’d advise me to go and do a couple of courses, then re-apply.

    Andy Shiers

    I can just see your great ape hairy bod in a white coat 😯
    Scare the shit out of the locals 😆
    Better off working down in the morgue 😆
    Plenty of time to play Risk 😀


    Yes that’s all fine for Sonsub to be politely rejecting applications for the non technically minded amongst us , but what if say you had about 10 years hydraulic and electronic background, albeit on aircraft but had no previous ROV experience?

    Do you think that they might be interested then or would the ROV course still be required?

    I can understand why a lot of these companies are beginning to get pissed off with every man and their dog wanting to become an ROV pilot.

    Just asking some honest questions guys.

    Anyway we’ll wait and see what happens!

    Oh and Baron…………… I’m sure you’ve seen plenty white coats where you are! Nice and comfy in your little padded cabin?

    NR 😀


    go for it


    In my humble opinion the 10 years experience you’d bring would count for more than any ROV course. It would seem to me that given the experience & background you’ve got you would be a better prospect than the majority of the trainees recently taken on and would at least merit an interview but then again I’m not the one running the HR dept or doing the interviews.

    Is it possible that someone in Sonsub knows you and may have ‘Black Balled’ you for some reason? If not then I do find it disturbing that you’ve been rejected just because you haven’t been on a course which by all accounts doesn’t carry much credibility.


    Maybe Sonsub have filled the trainee quota for a while or something like that.

    Every job you go on at the moment seem to be a bit over-run with trainees and guys with little or no experience (not Sonsub inparticular)

    With the kind of experience you have and considering the time of year I might be tempted to take a shot at one of the smaller companies Hallin Marine, TS Marine, ISS as well as the big players such as Sclub7, Sonsub, Fugro, Technip.

    Over the past years some of the agencies have also been getting trainees a start as well so do not overlook them either.

    The problem with a lot of the HR departments is they are always wary about having to many staff members on the books as in the event of an industry down turn then they have to either pay people to sit at home or pay out redundancies to clear some of the monthly outgoings down a bit.

    Nearly all of the companies are short of people at the moment I find Sonsubs attitude towards you strange but then again I have done some work for them in the past and some of the office politics have quite strange effects offshore.

    Good look with the job hunting though.


    I told ya 😀
    They operate on an ‘Old Farty syndrome’ ( Sosub Singapore ) 😀


    My experience with SONSUB and several other companies recently is the same I am offshore experienced with 30 years electronic and mechanical and comms systems knowledge , but they all say go and do an ROV training course first .

    Methinks they are getting more choosy after taking on a lot of non tech types , maybe nowthey want newbies to make a commitment by putting their money where their mouth is.



    Surely , by paying the offshore training and a medical is enough to prove that you mean to change your proffesion ! 😕
    Did Sosub say which Training school they prefered you to go in order to join the illustrious ranks ? If not then it was , as Baron said…….
    A polite brush off


    Well they didn’t exactly give me a brush off as such. As they don’t have any new starts until November, I was told to get back in touch in about a month.
    Then came the " oh yes we usually expect people to have become IMCA qualified before we employ them ". Bur for them to ask me to get back in touch next month I thought was promising, I just wondered if this ROV course was a set in stone pre-requisite or if exceptions were made?

    Thanks a lot for the feedback guys………………..
    Much Appreciated!! 😯

    Cheers the Noo!

    NR 😀


    I spoke to a friend here in Thailand today who is a senior projects director for Accergy, he is an ex diver and now runs 2 vessels for Accergy he said that the industry is desperately short of really skilled guys especially in ROV , but new entrants are expected to have excellent mechanical, hydraulic and electronic backgrounds and been on an introductory course .
    The companies have had their fingers burnt with too many unsuitanble , low skilled trainees, he also said that day rates will rise as the industry is growing .
    He knows me well and said that with my background and skills once I do a training course it will be a doddle to get a start as a trainee.


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