Home Forums General We’re alongside… So where do I go? rov course still waiting.

rov course still waiting.

Home Forums General We’re alongside… So where do I go? rov course still waiting.

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    hey guys, need some advise… been working onboard a vessel for almost 2years now and my freaking company still has not send me for any piloting course.. my piloting hrs aint that much though.. and my boss kept screaming and shouting as if that i dun noe a god damn thing…it takes skills and patience to pilot that machine ryte…so what should i do? save some cash and take the cost myself or should i wait?


    I think wait long time 😯
    First rule of flying , Learn to put your question in the right place but read before you send your question in 😀 hmmmmmmmmmmm
    We’re alongside…So where do I go?


    There is not only your freaky company around.
    Never give up!


    First of all mate put your so called boss in his place. I have been supervising for many years, you can only show a person how to pilot, you cant teach them, that comes with time and practice. Depending on which company you work for most have very good simulators. Get on to your PM. Then take a run and punch stright into your so called supevisors neck!

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