Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions Clearing fishing nets off Jacket

Clearing fishing nets off Jacket

Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions Clearing fishing nets off Jacket

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    Hi Rovers

    Ever since i am in the ROV industry, i have been told to stay clear of fishing nets. I understand the danger fishing nets can cause to ROVs. Though this is very hard to communicate through to non-rov personel.

    Did anyone try to do it before? What is the results? Any safe way to do it?Anyone has any reports or photo of ROV caught in fishing nets and its consequences?

    if yes, please PM me…. thanks

    Andy Shiers

    KaKa , 😀
    All the Oil/Gas platforms have a no fishing policy but this dose not stop some dozey twat doing just that 👿
    Fishing nets have a habit of attracting trapped hooks and kin ( ie fishing line ) The fishing net could have been adrift for many a year and would not be perfect but shredded which you canna see until you’re up close ,loose rope reduced to string or the annoying orange plastic string entwinned in the main hauser rope for lifting which has a nasty habit of going through the thrusters and trapping the ROV.
    Now, Unless you have a handy manip or a bio-degradable team close at hand …………………………You are stuffed 😯
    Divers have problems with nets , what makes you think you won’t 🙄
    Is it worth taking the risk ?


    i guess sometimes you just have to be seen to be trying.

    we tried this method on a well head once. we got them to drop a grapple on a tugger wire through the moon pool. we would hold it in the manip and back away from the well area then come down. once at the level of the nets we would let go the hook , it would swing into the massive tangle.then we would get them to haul in on the tugger.

    once we had cleared the bulk away like that ,then we worked at the rest with the manips , grabbing a hand full and just pulling back away from the well. If the manip couldn’t do it we would cut it away with a knife. eventually we cleared the well enough to do the job.

    of course we got our fair share of it in the thrusters and i remember pulling the prop of the vert at least 8 times.not to mention the other thrusters

    i’d be interested as well to hear if anyone else has any other methods

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