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Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Advice

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  • #976

    Im looking to get into the rov industry I have extensive mechanical from the navy. Would appreciate any help regarding training providers and employers.


    Start by learning how to read what is on this thread might help 😀
    You are not the first and I doubt that you will be the last to ask such a question without reading the Rookie Corner threads 🙄

    Ray Shields

    Im looking to get into the rov industry I have extensive mechanical from the navy. Would appreciate any help regarding training providers and employers.

    If you read through the Rookie and General forums you will see this question has been asked several hundred times. Thus, it gets annoying when people come along and ask it again and again. Please read through the replies given to others, and read through the FAQ section. Then come bvack with any specific questions you may have.


    Wow Shield and spear you both said the same thing.

    Maybe it would be an idea if a section of the site was purly dedicated to people entering the industry. I could be called Starting Out In The ROV Industry and have all the answers the old seadog who started this thread wants to know.

    Or maybe we should not be so sharp with people who are new and obviously are not very fluid at navigating the site yet.

    That is not just a dig directly at you guys there are a hell of a lot of other people on here who are negative towards new trainees, people who are just looking for some information who are not in the game and others of whom I cannot think of at the moment…

    Anyway that is my rant.

    Just to finish though They are right My Jack friend there is a lot of information just take a make and mend and read through it all rather than going to Joanna’s and getting drunk.


    ….Dont take shortcuts….Its dangerous

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