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Acergy Recruiting Trainee Pilot Techs

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Acergy Recruiting Trainee Pilot Techs

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    Hi guys

    Noticed on Acergy website that they are recruiting again for Trainee ROV Pilot Technicians.
    I know that they are one of the major players in the subsea world, but what are they like to work for, and what does the selection process entail?

    Thanks for any advice

    Nv 😯


    Not sure where you found that Acergy are recruiting trainees not detailed on the aberrdeen website forum.
    Still I know they will not take LA DE DA chancers from the RAF ( Rough
    as F**k) they will insisit on real shipyard trained full apprentices that know more than one sysyem (I only done nimrod radar, i didn’t know you had to shut the doors before take off)


    Well……………at least there’s some relevant info in there.

    I bet it’s real interesting being on shift with some of you guys who enjoy ripping into posters on these forums……. 👿 🙄 😆


    Only been with them for 2 hitches but so far best accommodations ,food OK….havent met any primodonas and every one gets along.

    They have delivered everything thus asked for……..Schilling UHD (ACV) Course was one of the best and was slotted into a position on a new vessel with two ACV’s headed for long term contracts in warm waters.

    They are seem to invest in thier people and are growing leaps and bounnds.
    All the trainnees I have met did 7 wks of courses.

    Andy Shiers

    There you go 😀
    Some people with the brains to get in to the industry the right way and use the ROV company to further their knowledge and learn from the bottom up !
    The right way to an apprentiship 😀
    Potential Novices take heed 🙂
    Ps . That is constructive advice by the way.


    They have a training course starting on the 6th of November and are testing for technical knowledge next week. Unfortunately I am already committed and cannot make it… But they sound like a good lot to get on with… 8)



    I have never heard so much tosh about ex forces in the ROV industry. The military training for any trade is intensive and a HNC / HND is awarded, if succesful. I believe that apprentices in other industries are awarded the same BTEC. So unless BTEC award a lower standard HND to military personnel your statement is flawed.
    By the way Acergy or any other major company do not discriminate against ex military, they recruit on merit, experience and qualifications and to suggest otherwise is insulting.


    Spot on SGB! I too consistently hear one eyed comments from the likes of non military types like ‘Bluemoon’. Most of my ROV pilot colleagues are ex forces and usually have more to bring to the party than your average shipyard apprentice! I could elaborate on all the virtues the military can instil in a guy like teamworking and commitment to do the best job you can blah, blah – but I won’t here…On the other hand I work with pure civvies that are great pilot/techs too – but they are few and far between. Anyway, I’ve found that it’s naive to generalise on anyone because of their background and the ‘chancers’ out there get found out pretty quickly offshore, if their skills are lacking 🙂


    Im having a nightmare trying to get a start!
    ex Army Sgt.. with basic electronics/electrical fault finding & diagnostics qual, studying at uni ( electrical & mechanical engineering science and pure maths) 5 days COET course and UKOOA medical.. done hydraulics with resettlement and ready to go anywhere
    Not a sniff!!!
    Do I sign back on to get my ass shot off in afghan for a measly £80 a day!!!!


    An excellant start would be ………………….
    Nigeria 🙂


    V naughty LukeD 😀 But seriously, check out the following site. The post ROV course employment stats are very positive in this neck of the woods…



    Ooops – the previous site is a bit of a tw@t to navigate!!

    Here’s the course co-ordinators direct email address – nice fella by the way 🙂


    Theodore Ventsias

    🙁 Training what training? I got my RGIT and was toss right out there in the field. Treated like a dumb ass because I did not know any thing well I didn’t. I had to learn as I went. I have been lucky though I have worked with some really good guys that taught me allot. The only trouble with on the job training is you learn every one bad habbits as well. The subs get modified and that is not the plans. You all so have to learn how to survive long on the beach times. Stand-by pay is nice but it does not pay all the bills. This is a tough industry to get into and stay in tougher than the Navy was for sure.

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