Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner 16th edition

16th edition

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner 16th edition

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  • #11301

    right stormrider. i think you must be as pished as me. i saaid it all ride on Jonny Casdh
    yer mas a taig


    Sean, are u scottish by any chance?
    Hav u had a few too many by any chance?
    I aint sure I know what u just typed. Sorry mate.


    Alex Kerr

    Keep plugging away mate, I started out as a spark offshore many, many, many years ago and these "heard it, seen it, done it all characters were there then, and unfortunately, are still here now ( they should be seasonally culled to keep their numbers down). You need to provide evidence of a basic understanding of a range of electrical/mechanical processes, and when you find a company who is crewing up (plenty around at the moment), be prepared to learn from the guys who are willing to help. Oh and ignore the ones I spoke of earlier, they’re easy to spot as well.

    Nil’s illigitimus carberundum! 😛

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