Home Forums ROVbay! ROVbay! – Items for sale AC-ROV New system – Available for immediate delivery!

AC-ROV New system – Available for immediate delivery!

Home Forums ROVbay! ROVbay! – Items for sale AC-ROV New system – Available for immediate delivery!

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  • #1663
    James McLauchlan

    We now have in stock, a new fully tested system ready to ship
    The usual lead time for an AC-ROV system is 4-6 weeks.

    Shipping would be from our base in Portugal.
    Personal collection could be arranged.

    Complete system:

      *Small box AC-ROV unit (18KG)
      *52M 50/50 tether
      *Configured as a standard unit with rear tether attachment

    The AC-ROV:

      * Easily Transportable – Basic system weighs only 18Kg with transit case.
      * Only requires 1 person operation.
      * Rapid Deployment – Under 3 minutes!
      *Up to 75m operating depth.
      *Will fly within 190mm diameter pipe/opening.

    Visit: http://www.rovworld.eu for:

    More information
    Product Specifications

    ROVworld Lda
    Rua 11 de Marco, N.º 16
    Benafim 8100-352 Loule
    Tel: +351 289 472 326
    Fax: +351 289 366 545
    Skype: rovworld_lda
    E-mail: info@ROVworld.eu
    Web: http://www.ROVworld.eu

    Scott Beveridge

    Good luck with this endeavor. I’ve always said that there’s an ROV made for every type of diving situation and this one (pipes, spillways, emerg. overflows, etc.) is cool!

    Andy Shiers

    I’ve got to say it ………………. Baths 😆

    Scott Beveridge

    On the serious side lost, some rich folks may just do that for their indoor or outdoor pools or to buy for their yacht crew to check the hull regularly.

    James McLauchlan

    I’ve got to say it ………………. Baths 😆

    Yeah… bit you’ve said that before, so I guess we are getting the message.

    James McLauchlan

    Good luck with this endeavor. I’ve always said that there’s an ROV made for every type of diving situation and this one (pipes, spillways, emerg. overflows, etc.) is cool!


    The type of ideas you have come up with are heading in the right direction.

    There are a lot of applications that these are suitable for. Non of the oil and gas related but that arena should not to be discounted. It just needs a little more lateral thought rather than simply comparing the unit with an offshore vehicle.

    You only need to look at which companies are actually asking for demo’s and who is buying the systems to realise that, as you suggest, there is a market for these Micro ROV’s. It may not be deep or far offshore, but then that’s what offshore vehicles are designed for. There are however, offshore companies (well known names) evaluating them as I write.

    I have every confidence that this is the correct niche market to pursue. Highly portable obvservation/visual inspection ROV’s and associated products. More to come on that. We have no doubt that the venture will be successful and already the signs are encouraging.

    It doesn’t matter what the products is. What does matter is that it will do what it says on the box and there is a demand for it. The AC-ROV meets both those requirements. Years ago when Gina and I started ROVworld up from nothing, we had no other aim than to make it a successful well known information website in the ROV industry. Give any reasonable idea enough time and effort and it will work. It did for ROVworld.com and it will for ROVworld Lda.

    Scott Beveridge


    Is the control box (not to be confused with some ROV control closets) intrinsically safe / waterproof (hand in hand)?

    And … indeed, I can think of quite a few other job tasks for the Mike (new nickname) though you might say miguel… nuke stations come to mind…

    James McLauchlan


    Is the control box (not to be confused with some ROV control closets) intrinsically safe / waterproof (hand in hand)?

    And … indeed, I can think of quite a few other job tasks for the Mike (new nickname) though you might say miguel… nuke stations come to mind…


    The control box (unit) is intrinsically safe. ‘O’ Ring sealed. Splash proof. Although not stated as Zone II rated.

    The voltage through the tether and at the ROV is a maximum 40 vdc. The system is CE Marked and certified for all "feet wet" applications, offshore, onshore and down pipes.

    It seems that you are already in tune with the potential for the AC-ROV You suggested Nuclear. Bang on! because some of these systems are already working in the Nuclear field. No current, clear vis. It works!

    Nice to see someone around here actually starting to see the commercial potential. Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t expect members of what is predominantly an offshore related website to be knocked out by a pocket sized.. maybe not pocket priced ROV (but cost wise within the reach of any numbers of our members) that has the potential to start them off down the line on a business that might make them some cash and more if they push the project along.

    You could spend more on a new car for this but what would the return be on the car?

    By no means is this system the answer to all Micro ROV requirements (none are) but it certainly ticks a lot of the boxes. If it didn’t, ROVworld would not be involved.


    Good luck, I don’t think you’ll need it though, as this wee piece of kit should tick most operators boxes, there’s also a lot of Hydro schemes around the world where this would be perfect for face inspections etc.

    Scott Beveridge

    Indeed, I’ve been involved with the Royal Irrigation Dept. here in Thailand just for that after an earthen (shoddily built) dam broke near our farm land back in the 90’s.

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