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Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Advice?

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    Hi Everyone,

    This is my first post I will try keep it short(-ish)!

    I am currently working offshore on a FPSO in the North Sea, working towards my NVQ Level 3 in Mechanical Maintenance.

    I would like to move into the ROV industry as a technician/pilot as I would like the opportunity to work around the world at something I think I will find very interesting.

    Would I be employable with this qualification? I have a HNC in mechanical engineering (along with a NVQ Level 2 in Mechanical Maintenance), and have been on a verity of courses in the last 8 months I have been offshore (Fire Team, LSA, Bolt Tensioning, BA Maintenance, Gas Testing, to name a few)

    I have very good GCSE grades and A level grades including Maths and Science.

    At 22 I want expand my own knowledge, learn new skills in an ever-changing environment and industry, and hopefully travel the world in the process!

    Thanks in advance for any replys,



    Once again mate, read the post’s, the FAQ’s etc to expand your knowledge and THEN ask the questions. If you cannot do a bit of research for yourself you will run in to problems somewhere along the line.

    Looking at your back ground, if you follow the advice posted on here over a hundred times before you will do well. 😉

    Good Luck


    Yeh, to be honest I posted before I looked at all the other posts, sorry to be repetative.

    One thing that I haven’t come across is would I have the scope to complete my level 3 Mech Maint working as a trainee ROV Tech? Or is it more electrical/hydraulic based problems?

    Just wondered with me being half way through my level 3, if I could switch now or wait until I have finished.

    Still we have just switched to 2/2, 2/4 so its not all bad 😉


    If it was me mate, I would keep doing it but still put my CV out there, see how you get on and take it from there. You are not going to lose anything that way.


    Thanks cabledog, I realise the repeated questions in this section are tedious!

    I was looking about getting a book to read up more about ROV’s there usage and operation (might as well put my free time offshore to some use!) I found this one, anyone know if its any good? Or suggest any others?




    Dude, the answer to your question has been posted as well. Not worth the paper it is written on seems to be the general opinion. Go through ALL the post on here and you will find the info you need.



    Thanks for replys.

    Has anyone else been in a similair situation to myself and took the plunge….?

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