Hi all, new to ROVworld…
Several questions (i’ve looked at FAQs and forums and its given me half answers)
1) Doing an apprenticeship with Exxonmobil atm and just wondering will the qualifications and training be enough to get an offshore rov job or should I stay there for a while after the apprenticeship finishes to get more experience?
by the end of the apprenticeship i’ll have an Advanced Apprenticeship NVQ Level 3 in Maintenance Engineering, a VRQ in Engineering and Technology, and an Esso Refinery Trade Test certificate
2) I’ll also get a BTEC in either Electrical/Electronics or Mechanical Engineering… what would you suggest is more suitable for becoming an ROV pilot tech?
3) tends to be mixed reactions towards rov pilot training schools, are they worth looking in to and how important are they in actually getting a job with a company?
I know theres a lot to answer but will be grateful for any responses, cheers.