Any agency people out there actually know the % their agent takes from the client’s payment for a worker before handing the worker the remainder? It used to be in the region of 8 – 12%.
Take an average of the above and you have answered your own question.
I feel that, contrary to popular belief, agencies are not coining it in as there is more to come out of that 10% than many may suspect. They are not in the game for charity either.
No! I’m not siding with agencies but drawing on my direct experience. It’s quite scary when you look at the financial overheads a company has to bear when employing somebody by way of sending them offshore. I know this because our small Portuguese limited company (Only three employees) also has to bear these expenses to enable us to operate within and out-with the EU. Also Canada and the USA incurs extra insurance costs. It’s all got to be paid for somehow.
If you are sceptical of the above you should maybe try going day rate direct (no agency) or Ltd Company in the North Sea, Canada, USA, especially if you do not reside in any of the aforementioned countries and see how cheap that might not be! Asia and other parts of the world appear cheaper in respect of insurance but should things go pear shaped… watch any cover your thought you might have had under the company you are working for (Note I did not say employed by) magically disappear.