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Agency reneged on day rate

Home Forums General Danger Zone! Agency reneged on day rate

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    Stewart Reid

    Hi All,

    OK guys, this is the 1st rule of Roving and will always apply before your sorry arse get’s any where near the pilot’s seat.

    Make sure you get the day rate in writing

    I had a verbal contract for an agreed day rate and I duly filled out all the forms emailed to me, but no contract. As usual the contract arrives after the job has started and of course it’s too late then. The agency denied the verbally ageed rate and that gents is that. Your fucked!

    I’ve worked with this company in the past and fully trusted them.

    I think Jimmy Mac mentioned in the past about bad mouthing companies and leaving yourself open to being sued. I won’t be starting any rumours about this company just in case I leave myself open. To maintain some sort of defence on my behalf, the guilty party would have to resort to some sort of fishing. It’s a play on words guys, you pick out the relevant bits, enough said I think.

    Agents: The 1st thing through the email should be the contract, not forms for the client……..after all, aren’t we clients as well.



    Name and shame ,,, if we dont know who the bad guys are we will all get ripped off ,its a free market and you can criticise serices and products openly,without fear of being sued.


    Ray Shields

    They can only sue if its not true.

    James McLauchlan


    This has not happened to me (freelance all my offshore career) but when it happens people should know. Any company operating in this manner needs to be highlighted.

    If you have your facts right I see no reason why you shouldn’t name the company, as long as you feel comfortable doing so.

    If they have any reason to suspect that they are getting a raw deal then they can defend themselves openly here.

    My main concern (on this site) is about the naming of individuals in these matters. Naming the company is not such an issue as all companies need to take full responsibility for the actions of those in it’s employ.

    Stewart Reid

    Hi Jimmy,

    How are you doing, we met a few years ago on the West Seno job?

    It seems the cryptic level was set too high and the hint about ‘picking out the relevant bits’ and the ‘play on words’ didn’t even ruffle the hair of some of you.

    I also made the assumption, that most of you would know the names of the major players around town and would be able to pick out: rumours, defence & fishing.

    You should be able to deduce from the above that the company is called: James Fisher Defence or Rumic


    James McLauchlan

    Indeed the clues were all there, but some may have come up with the wrong name and jumped to the wrong conclusion. Better out in plain text as it is now.

    Yeah… I remember you Stu. It’s been a while for sure.


    Stu ..some of us are a bit Tom Dick.

    but i will cover my arse and keep an eye out if I work for Rumic again in the future.

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