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Agency workers.

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  • #10935
    Andy Shiers

    I think BRIGS34 got stabbed in the back by a big fishmongers wife in Aberdeen 😆


    Boy you are lost arent ya?.Twas only asking a question aboot the industry in general,compared to other industries,and to get some input from some of the other agency guys,aboot the amount of backstabbing that seems to go on in the ROV world,and why is it necessary……..
    ope ye can understand me English or are ye still lost???

    Murray Blom

    Lost boy??? couldn’t find his arse with both hands….:D

    Yes, of course we are a bunch of back-stabbing, gossiping, whining old women, would normal people work offshore????:?

    Probably the fact that most of us are bored out of our heads offshore with a computer in front of us doesn’t help 😆

    I would think that you will get this in any industry where there is competiton for work/contracts etc.

    Do you think that there is any correlation between the quality of the person and the venomousness of the backstabbing??? 😉

    Andy Shiers

    Your my friend and you say something like that 😡
    You Bastard 👿 Backstabbing me like that !
    Who needs enemies 👿
    I’m going to spread rumours about you 😈


    yeah, I heard your mother smells of elderberries and your father wears army boots!!

    Andy Shiers

    You new my pater 🙂
    You come from Germany too ?

    Murray Blom

    Come come Lostboy,

    No need to be like that…. I found you a lot of matches on Hot or Not, who but a friend would do that for you????

    Andy Shiers

    AArgh , It was you 😡
    Et Tute Brutus
    You little backstabbing Barsteward 😡
    I shall have my revenge 😈
    In this life or the next 😈


    what the deuce? ? Victory is mine!!!!!

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