Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner All opinions for a Rookie Appreciated

All opinions for a Rookie Appreciated

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner All opinions for a Rookie Appreciated

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  • #34346

    My company operates a scheme where employees can recommend someone they know for possible employment.
    I did some digging on it today.
    Skilled jobs like maintenance and drillers get approached quite quickly.
    The bad news is that people who want to be roustabouts, roughnecks etc are in a very big pile of CVs.
    There is the "Greenhand" scheme but competition is very strong.
    If you know someone who can get you in the door you may be ok but a lot of the greenhands have parents in the industry who put them forward.

    What about third party jobs like mud loggers etc? That may be a better route.

    Niall Stack

    My company operates a scheme where employees can recommend someone they know for possible employment.
    I did some digging on it today.
    Skilled jobs like maintenance and drillers get approached quite quickly.
    The bad news is that people who want to be roustabouts, roughnecks etc are in a very big pile of CVs.
    There is the "Greenhand" scheme but competition is very strong.
    If you know someone who can get you in the door you may be ok but a lot of the greenhands have parents in the industry who put them forward.

    What about third party jobs like mud loggers etc? That may be a better route.

    Hi Scalptroid,

    Thank you so much for digging around for me today…
    I really appreciate….

    I understand what you are saying and it does seem like I need to know somebody to get my leg in the door…

    The problem that I Now face is that I do not know what careers are available offshore and whats more is that I do not even know that names of the positions available,…

    Thanks for the Mud Loggers advice… DO you happen to know of any other positions that may possibly be easier to get into?

    Regards, Niall


    There are loads of positions but if you’ve no experience then they’re difficult to get into.

Viewing 3 posts - 16 through 18 (of 18 total)
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