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aluminum surface repairing?

Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions aluminum surface repairing?

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    does anyone knows methods or materials to repair the alloy aluminum surface? as always alloy aluminum surface on electric pod or valve pack get corrosion and eventually the sealing condition damaged?


    Andy Shiers

    Devcon paste two part mix , Use a dremmel to remove down to bare metal first then use plastic paint or scotchcoat after it has dried to seal it in.
    Done it for Yonks and no probs.

    Scott Beveridge

    Devcon paste two part mix , Use a dremmel to remove down to bare metal first then use plastic paint or scotchcoat after it has dried to seal it in.
    Done it for Yonks and no probs.

    BUT, if on the actual sealing surface or face, then it’s a bit more detailed… Ie: sandpaper or emory cloth, lapping paste, Brasso and finally toothepaste. After all that, use 33 silicon grease for sealing. If corrosion pitting is too deep for safe working ratings, order another unit in question and find out which bloody plonker left it that long!!!!


    Devcon paste two part mix , Use a dremmel to remove down to bare metal first then use plastic paint or scotchcoat after it has dried to seal it in.
    Done it for Yonks and no probs.

    thanks lostboy for the idea.


    find some result on Google: DuraFix company and Muggy welding company produce Aluminium weld Rod, which demostrate Aluminium repair experience on their website.

    anybody ever use that product to fix the valve pack pitting or crack?

    James McLauchlan

    find some result on Google: DuraFix company and Muggy welding company produce Aluminium weld Rod, which demostrate Aluminium repair experience on their website.

    anybody ever use that product to fix the valve pack pitting or crack?

    Aluminium welding on a pressure vessel is a base repair and not an offshore fix. The pressure vessel should be stripped out of the vehicle, emptied of contents and the bare unit cleaned, repaired, re-anodised and vacuum tested. Or as suggested swapped out for a new one.

    Andy Shiers

    Are you talkin about remedying pitting or a major repair job ?

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