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Americans working in the UK area

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    I just wanted to know if Americans could work in the north sea, and for UK agancies. Thanks guys.

    Andy Shiers

    Unfortunately yes 🙁

    Scott Beveridge

    Unfortunately yes 🙁

    Give me the warmer, friendlier, and less-chance-of-getting-backstabbed areas / regions to work in anyday!!!


    Play nice lads.

    Most Americans do not realise the extra bits of paper they need to get in the North Sea i.e. Offshore Survival and even Medicals….not cheap and required before you even start knocking on doors.

    We all go through the paper chase and some yanks feel that is not acceptable although they want the extra $$$.

    Insurance as in Jones Act might also be a show stopper for them.


    Those americans. They’re everywhere They’re everywhere!!

    Scott Beveridge


    You’d be surprised how many Americans DO know how much paperwork (re: job creation, money-grabbing, and scamming of the lads hard earned cash) goes on.
    Almost everywhere in the world you need a HUET / BOSIET.

    Jones Act – once the non-Yanks started realising that they too could get on the lawsuit bandwagon (working for an US affiliate foreign co.) the ins went up for all.

    That’s why (some of) us are known as Damn Yankee (sic – should be Yanqui)

    Andy Shiers

    Maybe …………………..if they changed their accent 😕


    After many navy years and a few offsore I know paperwork/regs. And I too prefer warm sunny over cold and drab anyday.

    Scott Beveridge

    Maybe …………………..if they changed their accent 😕

    ❓ Which accent out of the few hundred (in the UK) do you think the Americans should change to?

    I believe there’s a dozen or so in the US….


    Accent….more like attitude……really can be said for all.

    Maybe I am bias cause I am in the GoM now…….just never seem to get a lot done down here…like two steps fwd…one step back.

    Alot can be said for a system where only the Sup. knows who to fill out equipment failure or gives a rats ass about thinking ahead……well more than a few hours.

    Scott Beveridge

    Accent….more like attitude……really can be said for all.

    Maybe I am bias cause I am in the GoM now…….just never seem to get a lot done down here…like two steps fwd…one step back.

    Alot can be said for a system where only the Sup. knows who to fill out equipment failure or gives a rats ass about thinking ahead……well more than a few hours.

    🙄 Can’t really argue with the above bionic…. sad to say and yes I’m an American – albeit from north of the Mason-Dixie line.

    Seems those styles of ops. and mngmt are apparent in other offshore sites in the world… Shades of Bush mngmt????

    But then there’s the other side of the coin – where one actually has TOO MUCH paperwork / over-the-top being a supt. / supv. and not enough time as should be required for instructing the new guys after and during maintenance / ops. It’s a case of feeding the all to often top-heavy office staff and managers bonuses (not very often passed onto the lads…) tho’ the shareholders love it!


    Agreed….myself being from the Great White North.

    Part that frosts my pickle is no other country or race do you see a worker pack a styrofoam cup around and spit in it all day….or how bout spit on the shop floor!!!

    Might consider upbringing?

    After 5 wks down here I am ready to bolt…man I have heard some shite .

    Scott Beveridge

    Agreed….myself being from the Great White North.

    Part that frosts my pickle is no other country or race do you see a worker pack a styrofoam cup around and spit in it all day….or how bout spit on the shop floor!!!

    Might consider upbringing?

    After 5 wks down here I am ready to bolt…man I have heard some shite .

    Re: the cup :tdn: 😡

    Oh yeah!!! It’s definitely a family affair…

    Don’t blame you for wanting to go. Sad to say, my own country is on a "list".

    Andy Shiers

    The whole family does it ?

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