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An update on who’s hiring?

Home Forums ROV ROV Personnel Available For Work An update on who’s hiring?

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  • #1183

    Nearly ten years in the Navy, spent the last year learning AUV’s with a company in TX, but it looks like it may be time to move on soon. Anyone hiring?


    Here is a post from our website…

    Technical Support Specialist
    Working within the i-Tech Gulf of Mexico regional team this position offers an exciting opportunity and challenge for the successful applicant. Reporting to the Operations Manager, this key regional role will supervise a team offering front line technical support for the full range of ROVs operated by Subsea 7’s i-Tech division.

    Although based in Houston, the team provide support all over the North and Central America region and opportunities to travel will sometimes occur.

    Key Tasks/Responsibilities

    Supervising the equipment support team consisting of equipment technician and equipment controller.
    Dealing with technical queries and problems relating to ROV systems offshore and those undergoing maintenance in the workshop.
    Ensuring maintenance and inspection routines are followed and executed correctly.
    Liaising with the engineering dept. to produce engineered solutions for the safe operation and maintenance of equipment.
    Reviewing equipment failures and advising the maintenance manager of changes to the PMS task lists.
    Auditing worksites to ensure system compliance and safe operation of equipment.
    Liaising with manufacturers and agents of equipment to ensure the latest technical information and documentation is available to the worksites and kept on file onshore.
    Occasional offshore and offsite trips will be required, often at short notice.
    Participation in an on-call rota providing evening and weekend support to offshore sites.
    Presents self in a professional manner appropriate to the role
    Articulates views in comprehensive manner
    Produces work of presentable quality

    Has excellent interpersonal communication skills
    Excellent analytical skills and be able to produce technical reports, procedures and other similar documentation
    Self Management:
    Good organisational skills and smart working methods

    Qualifications and Education
    Specified Qualifications for position:
    A recognised national qualification in an engineering discipline

    Either extensive knowledge of electronic/electrical control systems/fibre-optic systems or mechanical/ hydraulic systems is required and where the candidate is strong in one area he/she must have al least basic knowledge in the other.
    Experience working with ROV systems in an offshore environment.
    Experience with SAP Maintenance module would also be advantageous

    Specific Job Related Requirements
    Personal disposition:
    Physical Capabilities:
    Manual handling
    Location Mobility:
    Ability to travel overseas and offshore.
    Health and Fitness Standards:
    Must be physically fit for required position subject to reasonable adjustments.
    Offshore medical certification required.
    Genuine Occupational Requirement:
    Offshore survival required.

    Drop me a line if you are interested or know anyone interested.
    Robert Corkren: Sales and Maketing Manager (i-Tech)

    Andy Shiers

    Do you take mercenaries then 😀

    Scott Beveridge

    Do you take mercenaries then 😀

    Ya’ fergot the 2 key (hyphenated) words before mercenary "high-priced" 😆 😆

    Andy Shiers

    Ha 😀
    I’m only wanting to earn a meagre crust Gov’ 😯


    scotbeve, "high-priced" is just a pair of words (adjectives or adverbs??) and at the end of the day, it’s just a collection of two words connected by a straight line. I don’t think it’s in anyones interest to pay any attention to what is effectively a short black squiggle on a piece of paper…. 😆

    by comparison with staff positions however, I don’t think I know of a truly "high-priced" merk in the market at the moment (in the traditional sense). When you compare their day-rates to the effective rates of a staff-rov position, there’s little difference….. what is there -maybe a 5-10% diffreence when you take into account holiday entitlement, matched pension contributions, etc??? Hardly anything to write home about when you consider that most merks have to do their own books at the end of the year and pay a couple of grand to an accountant, commercial insurance, etc?

    hmmm…… food for thought on a saturday morning????

    Andy Shiers

    Well I’m having a bit of a queer turn by tasting the delights of France 😕
    Croissants anyone ? 😯


    Croissants.. no thanks lostboy, please pass Pâté de foie gras with pickled pear on the side.. 😀

    Andy Shiers

    I’m just trying to picture you saying that half pissed /Shorts on in a Italian city Axe


    With some purple asparagus jammed in his shirt pocket….


    och, the banter….

    would you please pass the grey poupon….

    what’s the xmas dinner menus looking like on the iron islands?? Have they got the decorations up yet?

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