Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Any Ex military done an ROV course?

Any Ex military done an ROV course?

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Any Ex military done an ROV course?

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  • #34280
    Roy Simson

    Thanks for the feed back on your experience on after doing your course however it still does not change the facts that there are thousands of people who have done a course and still cannot find employment .

    The only people getting rich out of this are the training schools and what do you get in return ?? Very little just a cert that your send off to people like me and it just joins the other few thousand .

    In the 40 years plus of being in this game I have got over 6 people in and none of them did a course . They were all taken on and did a company in house training program which means they went out on jobs and had hands on experience and not sitting in a class room .

    The pay wont be very good but you will get the experience and the flying hours .

    So if your thinking of paying for your own course have a good read on Rookie corner on this forum and Linkedin . I could do a copy and paste but they all say the same " I did a rov course and still I am unable to find work "

    Sad but true !


    John Bridgett

    Sorry but it makes no it no difference I know this because I am one of the poor buggers who goes through the Cvs looking for crew .

    The first thing I look for is " What has this man got to offer me " Because now days you cant have baggage " Every body must have some thing to offer .

    The main thing is " Can you Fix It " ? "Can you fly it " ? .

    I am looking at previous training or skills in hydraulic or electrical , I am looking for people who can look outside the box . Many of the jobs that you may find your self on are in the middle of no where . If we cannot fix that vehicle and keep the client happy your off .

    I only know I feel very guilty seeing so many people doing these courses after being given the impression that soon after this course they would go straight into employment .

    Like you say you and your friends were very lucky but the pile of Rov trainees applications is getting larger and larger. One thing is for sure the schools will keep taking your money .



    Well I hope you read the CV’s more thoughroughly than you have my post 😆

    I did say that relevant experience was of prime importance but if you were faced with 2 identical candidates except one had done an ROV course at a respected establishment, which would you choose and why?

    Roy Simson

    Its funny Ray it does not matter what you tell these guys they all think they know best even if the MOD is paying why waste money .

    Like you said it would be far better to invest the money in some other nationally recognized qualifications like NVQ or City & Guilds .

    Any way I hope this debate has given food for thought for the people who were thinking of doing a course . As for the schools I hate to think how much money there making giving false hopes to all these guys .

    Yes some people do get lucky good luck to those however there are thousands still looking .

    Anyway thanks for the debate guys but I am sure this topic will arise again .



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