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Anybody got a seabotix?

Home Forums General General Board Anybody got a seabotix?

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    Just wandering if there is a company out there that uses seabotix rovs for work in the north sea or in Aberdeen harbour area for jet washing hulls etc.

    I know theres an agent for them but does any1 actually use them? 💡


    any1, ? stop using text-speak and go get some tatoos boy


    Do you want one? I can get you one second hand as my mate is trying to sell. They’re toys compared to even a falcon, but they’re ok for small currents – the LBV also has lats.


    One thinks that if you were to put a Jet Washer on a Seabotix it would be whizzing around the harbour like a Scud Missile, there not the biggest of Rovs to be handling a jetter.

    Where are you going to get your jetting power from?
    Are you planning to use a Electric powered jetter or Hydraulic ?. I think that Seabotix are All Electric. Or are you going to run a jetter hose from the surface attached to your rov. With any jetter on it it might be a wee hard to control it, see above, aka a Scud Missile whizzing about the harbour.

    Good luck old chap


    just throw the trainee over board with a snorkel and brush, he’d do a better job than a jetting lance on an LBV.
    Come to think of it flyingf**k you are a trainee you could throw yourself in,

    anyway who gives a flyingduck?

    Quack Quack.


    How much is your mate asking for his LBV, which version is it, good condition, spares, why selling? (PM me please).

    Flying duck
    Agree with previous comments about trying to use LBV for jetting – sounds like a bonkers idea, though would be interested to hear if someone has actually done so. It’s hard enough with something bigger/more powerful like a Seaeye Lynx/Surveyor etc. LBV’s have their applications though and are not bad for what they are, have used before and prefer to e.g. Videoray as LBV has lat function. Would use one of the Seaeye variants for more serious work though.


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