Home Forums ROV ROV Work – Agency Requirements Australia Project

Australia Project

Home Forums ROV ROV Work – Agency Requirements Australia Project

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  • #756

    Hello Gentlemen,

    Some of you I have spoken to about this project some I have not, to give you some background regarding the project. My client is looking for permanent members of staff, as the project is due to run for a very long time.

    It initially will start with a training period if you haven’t already used there systems in either the North Sea or Angola for 3-6 months. Then the fun starts out in Australia, its a deep water project ranging from 2500 to 2700 meters. The rotation will be 5 on 5 off and the rates will be very competitive, there will be a complete bonus package. There may even be some free sun tan lotion.

    I am looking for the following people,

    Senior Supervisors

    Guys, if you have any questions feel free to fire them off to me at bburns@mansell.co.uk

    Best Regards
    Ben Burns

    Stephen Black

    and who would this be for

    Terry Simons

    And the rates are ?


    Again knowing the company and rates is always a bonus! 🙄




    Due to client confidently I cant openly discuss there name, having said that if you wish to speak to me about it then fine.

    As for the rates, I work on the basis of what you want. Not so much what the company wants.

    but to give you a baseline, Sub-Engineer from £320 & Supervisors from £360.

    Again if my client believes you are exceptional then there will be room for negotiation.

    If you have any other additional questions feel free to fire them at me.

    Andy Shiers

    So this is a day rate contract with the money paid in sterling into an account anywhere in the world yes ?


    Yes that is correct lostboy,

    Ray Shields

    But why not go direct to TS Marine (or the Company who needs people…)


    I agree there are lot of people that go direct to these companies but how many times do you send emails, ring them, chase things up and get no reply.

    You gentlemen are professionals at what you do, I am professional recruiter its what I do. I can arrange better packages for you, better locations, in general I take the stress out of it for you.

    For those of you that I have spoken to so far would you not agree that I am a true professional.

    I hope this has cleared things up a little but feel free to ask as many questions as you want and I will do my best to answer them for you.

    Best Regards,

    Andy Shiers

    Is not TS marine the company that had a mass exudus of people due to problems ? or are they just gearing up for new projects ?


    I am not sure lostboy? As far as I am aware TS Marine do very well in the market place.


    From personal experience you are as well using an agency as the rates are not exceptionally different between direct day rating to a company and agency theses days.

    If it is TS Marine from my information they have a particularly evil type of ROV called a Quantum which are a pain in the rear to get used to. Touch screen panels and everything software driven oh yeah and two billion conectors to take off to get in the pod.

    Apart from that they do give you a quality set of overalls mine lasted ages.

    Andy Shiers

    What about cool safety glasses 8) ?


    Now you are talking. There safety boots were quite funky as well but I could not get a pair small enough for my huge size 6 feet..

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