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  • #589

    Hi Everyone!!

    Just want to know if anyone can tell me if any Companies are Currently employing trainee ROV Techs.
    If so which company provides the best training, I have been told that the training does vary some. Acergy being very sparse and Fugro being extensive??
    I know that most of the education is up to the individual but just wanted to see what info I would get from you.
    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Ray Shields

    As you said, Fugro in Aberdeen do an extensive 4 week ROV Induction programme (I run it), I would call it more Induction than Training. The real training is done offshore and with further specific courses, but – apart from attending the Fort William course – I think out of all the Company’s its probably the most extensive in-house one.

    Subsea 7 I believe send people to Fort William for their training. I believe Sonsub just stick them in the workshop for a few weeks. Be interesting to hear what others supply.

    As an edit – I am aware that some of the trainees taken on over the previous 18 months were not give this course or were given a much cut down version. The 4 week one being done at present is now the standard for all new starts.


    Danfrov ran a TXL course for Technip last year. Don’t know if there are any plans for one this year. Only thing I heard about the course was it wasn’t all trainees, some had been offshore for a year………..little bit late in the day but maybe a start in the right direction.

    Any comments Dan ?



    Hi everybody,

    I’m new and find the website very interesting and sometimes informative.
    Rayshieds, if you are in charge of the training at fugro, you would know when you’re recruiting again? Can you help?



    Ray Shields


    I run the course as in the classroom but I dont run ALL of Fugros training nor have anything to do with recruitment or selection 😕

    However, yes, Fugro are recruiting (do they ever stop?) there are 8 trainees taken on every couple of months. Next course is in April so I assume the 8 have been chosen already for that. Next intake will be June, September and November.

    cheers, Ray


    Cheers Rayshields,


    I disagree with you on Fugro running the most intensive induction, as i have heard that Oceaneering ABZ have been running eight week courses.
    don’t know what it’s like though, if it’s like everything else Oceaneering do then likely to be crap!!!!


    I have heard that Subsea 7 are now starting trainees on an apprenticeship scheme basis.

    The time scale is between 2 to 3 years moulded on City & Guilds/SCOTVEC type accreditation with both in-house and offshore training & will be backed up with formal vocational & technical qualifications.

    I don’t think the money was particularly high however, if it attracts school leavers or college leavers then I would surmise these places will get filled quickly and are an excellent place to start.

    My only concern would be older ex-forces leavers trying to hijack the opportunity too, maybe the money is low to prevent this happening, i merely couldn’t say.

    I think this is a better step forward than Subserv/Stenmar type "hoof them and boot them courses" and I sincerely hope other conntractors will follow suit.


    Ray Shields

    I disagree with you on Fugro running the most intensive induction, as i have heard that Oceaneering ABZ have been running eight week courses.
    don’t know what it’s like though, if it’s like everything else Oceaneering do then likely to be crap!!!!

    I believe the Ocreaneering courses are longer, and they definately have everyone beat when it comes to the best simulator.

    Would be interested to hear anyones experience of the course (or any other companys one).


    Many moons ago I did the OI simulator course in the states…it was impressive….even had the Conan /Schilling dance thru a rate pack monkey paw. Bottom line was I could get out of the cage …go to the job and retun to the cage from day one because of the exposure.

    Saipem Americas simulator is not worth the space it takes up.

    In addition,did the ET one week course which was Magnum specific and took for granted we all were ET’s…still….saved alot of dramatics offshore and felt you became an asset faster than without the exposure.

    Recently did a three day hyraulics course by Womack in the states with heaps of hands on….troops gave it full marks….in the end…you get out of these courses what you put into it but sure it saves on downtime.


    I disagree with you on Fugro running the most intensive induction, as i have heard that Oceaneering ABZ have been running eight week courses.
    don’t know what it’s like though, if it’s like everything else Oceaneering do then likely to be crap!!!!

    I think you must be on about the Oceaneering of old RVC,the subs that they now build are very good if not equal to perry ones . for instance the size of the Magnum Plus and what it can actualy do tooling wise and has enough oomph to compete with other new builds ,most of them are now getting mobd with top hat TMS that has been giving a new design that they are saying is great improvement on the perry one ,more room to work with and can hold 800mtrs Tether,the Millenum Plus is standard work class size and is a mighty beast of a sub and as for the Maxxum dont think there is a sub that can touch that ,i could be wrong

    Right Ray the stimulator is about 95% true to life as flying a real rov ,its the exact setup as offshore the one at the training school was broken when i did the course so it was of over the road to the one in the main office VISIS or MIMIC i think the name is and appart from a few graphic imperfections it is top drawer ,you start of getting shown various controlls ,vert,latts etc you start of with flying out cage and see if you can find sweet spot to hover right up to flying out cage useing sonar ,logs ,bullseyes,manips,copilot,pilot,hot stabs,vx ring ,hooks,searching sea bed for stuff ,safe heading there is no auto depth auto heading on the dives so you actualy learn to fly to a degree obvously flying rov for real is better ,but it acts like a real rov if you pick somthing heavy up and tilt it to the side the rov acts exact same way as it would in real life ,add to that currents that can be set visiabilty like snow and motors dying out on you watar alarms going of cameras going dead and just left with sonar to get your ass back to the cage……… this is the high light of the eight weeks.

    Week 1 saftey,rigging,hight awerness .
    Week 2 introduction to ROVS, this could have been better notes were of old ROV systems
    Week 3 and 4 stimulator time ,with exam at the end of it
    Week 5 and 6 electronics, exam at end of week 5
    Week 7 and 8 hydraulics,exam at end of week 8

    if you fail the exams you get to resit them if you fail twice then its bye bye, NRB. the exams are open book this is were most of the problems happen as there are 9000000000 odd pages of notes get through, add to that 250 modules to do and a compentcy and training log book and you have the course and training of Oceaneering ABZ

    Right i think ill get off my OI step now and call it a day and yes i know there are spelling and grammar mistakes . 😀


    Hey Melvodon,
    Just curious to how much that course at oceaneering was. Just been checking out their website but have to contact them for info, I have emailed them but thought it might be quicker to ask you. Cheers.


    Mick ,er course was free its Oceaneerings in house training .



    I see you have all of a sudden become an expert on the handling characteristics of real subs and not the video game ones that you have had a go on, wait until you get into the real world with a sub that doesn’t like the auto heading circuit of the survey gyro you are using, down at 2k meters with a sea bed that is like talc powder and never dissapates as there is no current, TMS is not paying out for whaever reason and you have a 400 meter excursion to work site, then just for good measure the ex bubble head OCM is screaming down the comms asking what the fuck is going on!!!
    Reply to this when you have returned from your first BIG job! And if its not in the southern North Sea it don’t count.



    R_V_C ,

    I seem to have hit a raw nerve there is this because when you did your trainning ,that they didn’t have an all singing and danceing stimulator that has the exact same characteristcs of a real sub … ok if you crash it’s no big deal .and you are quite right there is no client to shout at you if it goes tits up but to simulate sea bed thats as you put it like talc currents of up to 5 knots any direction and your stb motor packing in is no prob to replicate on the sim and to be able to play about with the as you said"computer rov game" ,but it helps to see how a Magnum with the not as manouverable latteral set up on the thrusters ,to the Millenum with the vector set up and completely diff handeling and how it reacts …… still not as good as a real sub i never said it was ,as for the TMS breaking down that hardley ever hapens on the round cage set up but it always has been a prob with the top hat set up as said in previous post they both have there pros and cons .

    i think it basicly gives you an understanding of how to get from cage to job and back again and teach you basic manip skills ,they are seting it up with a T4 setup instead of the ( hey man they look good those conan manips ) but are not very fixable in the field …. and all the manip work is done by flying the manip on to stab,hook,etc no grabing on to structure as you would in the field , to be perfectly honest to begin with i was the worst in the class thought the verts was a cross fader on a mixer ,as it was the old set up, and not the new verts on joystick ,that is the only thing that i could critise about it all was old set ups and when doing your test it would have been nice to of got a dvd of the dives of the (cheety view 3D )so i could look back and see how poor i was or good at certain things

    any way when i have been on a real BIG job 😉 i will see were you are coming from.

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