Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner BIG HELLO from yet another wanabee

BIG HELLO from yet another wanabee

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner BIG HELLO from yet another wanabee

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    Wade Berglund

    I was just wondering how Al404 was doing on the job hunting. He seemed to have an excellent attitude and a very proactive approach. I hope he did okay, this industry would do well by having more blokes like him.

    alan child

    hi guys,

    Still here busy searching for that new career, nothing to report as yet, not given up on the ROV world just yet, still early days and im not on a tight sched, still getting paid a nice wage from the queen!

    looking at Subsea spannering, as a side line to ROV, had some interest but nothing concrete as yet, got a few old buddies (military) who went that route (after ROV, i must add) and they do say,
    "its who you know not what you know" so hope on good things from them if i cant blag my way into the ROV indusrty first…lol


    seeing as you are interested, I am looking in the aero-derivative offshore industry too as got many years gas turbine spannering behind me

    And, then if all else fails, there is always back to the airlines, if they all havent gone bust that is

    and the moral of the story is

    dont put all ya eggs in one basket

    cheers all

    alan child

    hi guys,

    my above post seems a little silly now, as a memebr of HM Forces my pressent employer seems to have no further need for me and many many many of my friends and fellow engineering workforce employees. good job i saw it coming and have been making provisions for the last few months, not with much luck i might add, but thats the nature of the beast these days.

    be prepared for lots of fellow newbies flooding the gene pool

    wish me luck

    im going to fcuking need it now

    its one thing me deciding a change of career was in order and chancing my arm, its a whole new ball game now the best part of 3000 aircraft techies (5000 total from the RAF made up from mainly aircraft technical trades) are facing the prospect of being out on their ear. then there is the 5000 from the navy and then again even more from the army(7000) many of whom will also been technical trained engineering staff

    brace your self boys its about to get interesting


    soon to be just Al


    oh no – first it was boat people fleeing tyranny in south asia, and now boat loads 😛 of poms invading OZ looking for work.

    in all seriousness, make ya way downunder, as there is a serious shortage of skilled labour in all trades – you will make a killing at present. not necessarily offshore, any trades.



    just accept failure in the cricket and youre welcome.


    al404. I sympathize with you in these times of change wish you all the best for the future.

    I’m an ex-Nimrod (NLS & NMSU, Kinloss) and an ex-Harrier (3(F), Gutersloh) Airframe and Engine Techie. I have Q-Annotations on both. I think the aircraft experience part of my CV has suddenly become a whole lot less relevant and valuable during the last 24 hours. Jaguar is another one of my now obsolete types.

    It makes me feel old when aircraft and stations I worked on not so long ago, cease to exist. Soon I’ll start to sound like some of the old boys I’ve worked alongside, who would talk fondly about the Vickers Varsity and trips to Aden.

    If you decide to stay on aircraft, I think civil aviation and an Engineer’s Licence is the only route to take. (Either that or a job as a BA Steward). Steer clear of the military contracts (if there are any left) and their insulting rates of pay.

    Otherwise, as you seem to be aware, you have to diversify. Don’t limit your search to ROVs. There are many jobs offshore which value proper technical qualifications and experience. I was offshore recently, talking to a rig mechanic. He surprised me when he told me how much their motormen get paid. About the same as an ROV sub eng. Subsea engineers and hydraulic engineers seem to be on a fair wack more than most ROV types.

    It might not exactly be what you want to do for a living, but the pay will better enable you to enjoy your time off.

    alan child

    Hi joebolt,

    thanks for the info, nice to here from fello ex 3(f) sqn guy, i was laabruch era, carrier ops and all that, as well as all them field deployments, and all them pizza and pasta dets…happy days

    my CV dont say much about aircraft anymore either, I am currently a GE working out in the desert month on month off, with the odd route to the states if im lucky, due demob in the new year

    looking in the aero-derivative and hydraulics fields as well as the offshore sector, but much prefer the offshore roles due to being the closest to my pressent role, which equates to a field service engineer in all 4 trade but will look at and take what ever comes my way

    on my ROV training course next months, yes i know its not worth the paper its writen on blah, blah ,blah …im still going to do it, cos i just can.

    medicals and BOIsET down at warsash

    also got a contact out in africa working subsea tech, so theres another line of enquirey

    any more gen feel free im all ears buddy


    alan child


    cheers bud, would love to come down under to the land of plenty, finding a sponser is the hard point but neither the less i would jump at the chance

    got any more good web links or job sites ?

    cheers bud



    hey mate, doesn’t matter if you’re a pom in oz or a oz in pommieland or a gringo in brazil, et al, you will get flack from some wanker who can’t get laid or do his job properly. just keep your head down, read the manuals, and follow the guys who have been around for yonks.

    alan child

    hey mate, doesn’t matter if you’re a pom in oz or a oz in pommieland or a gringo in brazil, et al, you will get flack from some [banned word] who can’t get laid or do his job properly. just keep your head down, read the manuals, and follow the guys who have been around for yonks.

    Cheers bud

    will do, just waiting for that first break into the industry, and the rest as they say will be history

    got my last working day in the military next week, then its all hands on deck for the big push to find that job…

    wish me luck


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