Home Forums General Lost Contact? Bill Till – Ex REME bullshit and piss artist

Bill Till – Ex REME bullshit and piss artist

Home Forums General Lost Contact? Bill Till – Ex REME bullshit and piss artist

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    Haven’t heard any mention of Bill for while.. He’s worked for AUC/Racal out of Singapore and I believe he’s done a few stints for Sonsub and Fugro. Last I heard he was working with ‘toy’ ROV’s somewhere in the Arabian Gulf..

    Anybody worked with him recently ?


    He was working for Mermaid most of last year.


    Thanks… Glad to hear he’s still alive and kicking..


    Still Alive and kicking, had a few beers with him in Songkla Thailand not so long a go


    😀 Songkhla.. Hmmm sounds like a good run a shore…

    James McLauchlan

    😀 Songkhla.. Hmmm sounds like a good run a shore…

    As it’s your thread and you asked……

    It used to be years back but, unless anything has changed of late, it all but died out when offshore activity cut back. Still doesn’t stop you from having a few beers and your own small ‘private’ party though 😉


    Sorry James it was a rhetorical question.. Been working out of Songkhla on and off since 1990… You are right though it’s a shadow of it’s former self since th eexploration and field developement slowed.. But you can still have a good night there.. After all it’s Thailand ! 😀


    Yeah worked with Bill for MOS, beginning of last year, he’s still around as he’s occasionally sending me a joke via e-mail.

    Not a bad hand, but I certainly learnt that REMEs have soft hands!

    Half of the nuts I undid by hand when he summoned for a spanner and I’m an electronics type, could be my Pictish heritage / Aussie upbringing? 🙄

    Mark Rodrigues

    Yeah.. Bills on the MV Challenger now working for Mermaid. Need a msg sent to him? Let me know bro..

    Scott Beveridge

    Yeah.. Bills on the MV Challenger now working for Mermaid. Need a msg sent to him? Let me know bro..

    Challenger? Not heard of it… Whereabouts MarkRoy? Or is he on the DSV Commander?

    Mark Rodrigues

    yeah..tats right! its off Songlah at this very moment.. I’m on another vessel and i’m seeing him in the morning bro.. want me to get a number off him? and who should i say u are?

    Mark Rodrigues

    no no.. confirm its the DSV Challenger.. sorry bout that.


    Hi all,

    Anyone wishing to contact Bill Till can do so through TC1

    who will pass your message on.

    Best regards,

    Bill Till


    Hi All
    well since I have been living in Songkhla for the pass 14 years its a total waste of time now days only place that has any life is Corner Beer and Buzz Stop .

    Hi Bill was having a chat about you the other day to Chandra .

    Cheers All


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