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blackbox recorder…..

Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions blackbox recorder…..

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    anyone got a good name for a blackbox recorder? just written a piece of software (runs off laptop) and looking for a suitable title so that I can begin my daily plan to take over the world…..


    presently going with f-bbr, but it sounds like fibber (probably not something you’d put your faith in!)


    naomi ??? 😛

    Ray Shields

    Well as it remembers everything, summat to do with elephants.

    And according to Wikipedia theres Jumbo (!), Queenie, Motty, Ruby, Topsy. No mention of Dumbo.

    Theres always the names of the four elephants that stand on the back of Great A’Tuin and support Discworld (Berilia, Tubul, Great T’Phon, and Jerakeen)

    Or how about Catherine?


    If you tweak your f-bbr acronym a tad, you’ll get FUBAR! Kidding ya, but how’s about VATVault(Video, Audio, Telemetry Vault)? If you use it I want some peanuts for the rights, the ones still in the shell if you don’t mind.


    Bag of peanuts to that man!


    It’s official, TheBaron gets paid peanuts!! Woohoooooo! All my career I’ve been striving for a pay rise, and now I have it. [tears of joy]

    Andy Shiers

    How about DAAB – Data Aquiring Anyalasis Box 🙂
    I want more than Peanuts in shells 😀
    Recognition in your first interview in Science magazine.

    Ray Shields

    Ah cmon now, you ALL know it has to be Three Letters to fit in with the rest of the TLA’s offshore. 4 is just too dificult to remember!

    DAD – data analysys device
    DRD – data recording device

    But for marketing how about SWORD – Savantes Wicked Recording Device


    Collated Line In Terminal?



    Virtual DVR, DVR-Soft

    Black box on my laptop.
    Video Audio Graphics Interface Network Application Software.

    Any specs on this application of yours – such as recording frame rate fps, type of compression codec used etc? what hardware running it on?
    Is it just a customised GUI for existing video capture cards and applications?

    Sorry, I’m a geek at heart, can’t help being curious.




    there is always DVDA. 😆 (google lookup required)

    It can be run off a laptop directly (just a software license) or I was going to provide it as a 19" rack mount unit like Netmc. To be honest, with the amount of time I’m offshore at the mo, I’d rather just put up a download page as manufacturing/servicing/supplying is a complete pain.

    Today we ran the software from a USB pen on my laptop and captured video and grabs to the same pen so its pretty portable. I was going for simplicity in the GUI as I’ve seen what happens to a datadog under pressure when he’s lost survey data and starts hunting for the tapes!! There is a very large red button with a label which reads RECORDING (when it’s recording!). There’s the usual array of features like "Available space: in time and Gbytes" and an equally large "Screengrab" button.

    Records 30fps (NTSC) or 25 fps (PAL) at 785×685 or 640×480 pixels in 24 bit colour using 1.8Ghz centrino processor and 1Gb RAM.

    JPG or bitmap screen grabbing with files saved and dated.

    MPEG-4 video grabbing – 0.2Mb/s compression from full video. If you have any other codec that you like (i.e if your company has a standard) then the system can scan and add to our existing codec library-ours can be opened using windows media player). Compression is scalable depending on your bandwidth.

    All the files are saved in directories either c:\todaysdate\digital_stills\
    or c:\todaysdate\video. These can be accessed using winXP or you can review from within the software.

    I’ve put in a network/internet broadcasting facility so you can fire live video to the beach (or someone’s mobile phone), video overlay of time/comments/bitmaps. I asked the rest of the guys in our group what they’d like to see and picture in picture was asked for. (Don’t know what they’d want to watch whilst they’re flying!).

    I’ve just trialled this software this afternoon (aboard semi-sub at the moment), captured 1min files to 15Mb each and extracted image grabs from the video live. This was handed to company man on a 500Mb stick.

    No fuss.

    Ray Shields


    there is always DVDA. 😆 (google lookup required)

    Looked it up on Google:-

    D.V.D.A is a term used in the p0rn industry. It is where some horny b**ch takes on 4 weiners at once. Two in the a55 and 2 in hte vag. It stands for Double Vaginal Double Anal

    I may have to look it up again…


    i think i’m going to go with the concept of a digital vault – means i can design an application icon once i find a picture of a vault or summat..

    do you think there’s any demand for wanting to record the telemetry from an ROV with the video? I would put it in, but the chances are it’d be used as a witch-hunting device when something goes wrong with the sub ?!?

    at the same time, perhaps it’d be good for tracking long-term problems with a system…………..


    Cheers, thanks for the tekky info, just up my street.
    Hope you have decided on a suitable name/abbreviation that doesn’t mean something rude. Now, what was that website again, DVDA…..?

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