Home Forums ROV ROV Work – Agency Requirements Brazil Project – Ideally Brazilan but all are welcome!!

Brazil Project – Ideally Brazilan but all are welcome!!

Home Forums ROV ROV Work – Agency Requirements Brazil Project – Ideally Brazilan but all are welcome!!

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  • #1832

    Hello Gentlemen,

    I hope you are all well, and got your sun cream ready?

    We have urgent requirements for the following positions, ideally we would be looking for Brazilan nationals but all are welcome.

    ROV Supervisor – Work Class – Construction
    ROV Sub-engineer – Work Class – Construction
    ROV Pilot Techs – Work Class – Construction

    Rates are good as usual, please forward all CV’s and medicals etc to bburns@compassoffshore.com.

    Best Regards
    Ben Burns



    I’m brazilian and I have 3 years of experience with WROV. I would like to know where is the job ( place, country), the period of contract, the period of work and the rate.


    Luciano Henrique



    Im have emailed you an updated CV and other documents for the ROV job in Brazil. I have worked out there for around 2 years. Im very interested in going on the jobs that you have available.
    Check your email for my supporting documents.
    Im looking forward to here from you soon. You may have to email me, because im on a ROV job in Africa at the moment.


    cant you correspond with the agency directly as opposed to psoting your love letters on ROV world?.


    Oh and by the way it has been pissing down with rain in Brazil of late!!
    Just to get away from the notion of pale white guys heading off to the sunshine haha
    It rained so hard the actually turned my connecting flight back… 🙁
    Enjoy 😀


    cant you correspond with the agency directly as opposed to psoting your love letters on ROV world?.

    This s an A B conversation so C your way out.
    I wasn’t replying to you, so mind your own F@#k Biz.


    An agency posts a vacancy on this website.Its not for yourself and others to correspond directly with the agency here on ROV world.Surely this is common sense is it not?.Why on earth wouldnt you lot correspond your private business with the agencies by email directly rather than broadcasting it here for everyone else to read..Really it is basic common sense,is it not??


    Hello Ben,
    Sent my CV and certs to you for ROV Pilot/Tech work but have recieved no reply.
    Corrected the error in your posted email address so should have got to you.
    Keen and ready to go dispite the reports of rain!


    This post is more then 3 months old! I believe Ben has left that agency and that job, if it was one is long gone.


    Ben no longer works with compass. In-Depth recruitment is Ben’s own comapany and they are still going strong. He can be contacted @ ben@indepthrecruitment.com if you want to contact him.

    Cheers guys and good luck for 2009


    An agency posts a vacancy on this website.Its not for yourself and others to correspond directly with the agency here on ROV world.Surely this is common sense is it not?.Why on earth wouldnt you lot correspond your private business with the agencies by email directly rather than broadcasting it here for everyone else to read..Really it is basic common sense,is it not??

    Hi Brigs34,

    Why didn’t you correspond directly with me by PRIVATE MESSAGING me to tell me this? uhh.
    To show you how much you don’t know. I did email my CV to him, PM him and reply to his post openly. That’s way I have made my present known through all possible method, except phone and that because Im on a rig.
    I want them to reconize my interested in there agency, sometimes they don’t respond immediatly. However, MY interest will stand out of the batch OF RESPONSES.
    I appreciate your concern, but not the envelope that you delivered your message in to me.
    To get respect you have to give it.

    Peace and Respect


    Hello Gentlemen,

    Sorry for the confusion, I have indeed left Compass Personnel. I was only helping them get things sorted then went back to Indepth.

    Indepth Recruitment contact details:

    Office: 01342 314697 (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
    Mobile: 07501222185

    Email contact:

    Best Regards
    Ben Burns

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