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Caledonian Mercury, Scotland’s first truly online newspaper.

Home Forums General Interesting Websites Caledonian Mercury, Scotland’s first truly online newspaper.

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  • #3265
    James McLauchlan

    This Scottish News website has just been launched. It appears to be an offshoot of the Scotsman newspaper, but with some interesting goals.


    We are proud to welcome you to the Caledonian Mercury, Scotland’s first truly online newspaper. The Mercurius Caledonius was Scotland’s first print newspaper, founded in 1660 by Thomas Sydserf. We have revived its historic title because we lay claim to the great Scottish tradition of journalistic innovation.

    We seek to revive Scottish journalism by using the internet rather than railing against it. The Caledonian Mercury stands for intelligent reporting, informed analysis and raising the standard of debate in Scottish life. It also seeks to return journalism to journalists and is a platform to display the work of selected specialist writers – freed from the demands of filling space, toeing the line and “feeding the beast”.

    We believe that there has never been a better time to be in the business of journalism, never a better time to find fascinating stories and never a better time to be part of a conversation with our readers. The internet frees us from machine media and brings us closer to the people who inspire and consume our writing.

    As you may deduce from our name and masthead we are not ashamed of our Scottishness. We have no time for the cringing pessimism that characterises so much of our nation’s life today. No, we are proud of Scotland’s history and traditions. At the same time, we are confident about its future and secure in its role in the modern world. For us Scotland is only truly herself when she is outward looking and inventive.

    The Scottish cringe did not invent the telephone, RADAR or the television. The principle of “Ah kent yer faither” did not give birth to ideas that Enlightened the world. It is with that in mind that we have unveiled this very different newspaper. It is radically different from what has gone before. That is no accident.

    We will not pretend to cover every story. We shall certainly avoid chasing after what has been done elsewhere. Instead we shall focus on the areas of our writers’ expertise, freed from any diktats from the Editor’s chair. And instead of following the pack we will seek out our own path. Our purpose is to provide in-depth and unique coverage of specific areas of Scottish life. Our print edition will not be daily or weekly and will celebrate the debate we hope our writing provokes.

    This newspaper is an experiment in the evolution of media. It is a statement of belief in a better public life. It does not fear the possibility of failure and instead relishes the prospect of change.

    Most importantly, it holds dear the pledge of its antecedent: “To assert no falsehood and to hide no truth.”

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