Be careful what personal info you give out like this, it’s a big bad world out there and someone could use the information you have provided with detrimental results to you.
What does the sea survival entail? If it’s a BOSIET or COET that would be better to mention. If it’s neither then is it approved by a specific governing body such as UKOOA or OPITO?
I see no medical on there? Anyone reading this may wonder if you are fit for offshore work?
Finally, last three years aside (although don’t dismiss these as business and admin skills are a big plus) you seem to have a good enough background to get in offshore.
One thing to remember is that even if you have nothing, provided you are motivated enough, you will find work. Get out there, be persistent, call people, email people, register with the agencies (get those medical & survival certs first) and something will come by. One rule I never forget is that work will not come to you, you’ve got to go & get it. Once your foot is in that door, make a good name for yourself and you should have no problems.
Good Luck