Home Forums General General Board Capital Signal, Trinidad – thoughts please?

Capital Signal, Trinidad – thoughts please?

Home Forums General General Board Capital Signal, Trinidad – thoughts please?

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    Hi Everyone

    Just a quick post to get peoples feedback on working for the above company, Capital Signal Trinidad, and also working in Trnidad/Venezuelan waters.

    Are they a GO or a NO GO?

    Cheers in advance for all advice
    Lobin 😀


    Did a few weeks for them thru agencey…two weeks in hotel trying to get a sea eye Tiger flased up after two year mothballed…they had two but lost one???

    The ship we worked on was the scariest and digs ,food no one but inmates should have too eat.No spares!!!
    They are greener than grass..Trinadad was a trip.

    They have a major survey contact with one of thebig operatores.

    Heard Seaeye flew down there and swaped some boards…must have cost em a bomb.


    I worked for Capital Signal in the 90’s and found them to be very thorough and efficient.


    I am sure the company has its act together in the survey department.

    Shit can happen in a decade obviously…..even without looking at the job which we can all pull rabbits out of our arese and get it running from time to time…the living conditions are not exceptable ….that with 26 years offshore as a baseline to draw from…….not mentioning the fact to Brits showd up and turned around the next fwe days.

    The 90’s was a lifetime ago dude.


    Well if it was that bad why didn’t you just up sticks and return to your safe haven called home! Or did the £/$ just cloud your judgement!


    Like I mentioned we were on the beach bouncing around in hotels ….once Signal realized it was costing a bomb they attempted to utilize their poor excuse for a vessel.Off to greener pastures.

    Heard the job went two weeks and cancelled to resume later date.

    Bottom line is I was there then and there was an enquirey recently as the idea is to save some of the lads from grief.

    For the record I work for sterling wages 95% of the time.

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