Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training Challenger Institute of Technology

Challenger Institute of Technology

Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training Challenger Institute of Technology

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  • #5519
    Bill Evans

    Challenger Institute of Technology in Fremantle, Western Australia, will be running a Certificate IV. introductory course for potential ROV pilots in September/October. Applications close 24 August. Please read the FAQ at http://www.challenger.wa.edu.au/Workingwithindustry/wamaritimetrainingcentrefremantle/Pages/ROVFAQs.aspx (especially about qualifications) before applying.


    May I ask if the course can be obtained by a foreigner e.g. Asian?

    Bill Evans

    Yes you can and we encourage international students. You still have to get through the selection process but most companies have Asian offices anyway so they will still select on merit rather than ethnicity.

    Robert Montgomery

    From the Challenger Web sight "Note that applications are accepted until 17/08/12."

    Robert Montgomery

    It seems there has been a correction!
    From the Challenger Web sight
    "Note that applications are accepted until 24/08/12."

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