Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training Challenger TAFE WA or UTCSA??

Challenger TAFE WA or UTCSA??

Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training Challenger TAFE WA or UTCSA??

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    Phillip Harriott

    Hi , i am very interested in changing careers from a Marine Electronics Technician to a ROV Pilot/Tech and am investigating ROV Training courses here in Australia. The two I am deciding between is Challenger TAFE in WA and UTCSA in Burra. Is there anyone out there that has been to either and could possibly recommend or give any feedback on the pros and cons of either course??? Challenger is a Cert II and UTCSA is a Cert IV. Any advice would be appreciated.


    The challenger tafe uses the Cert 4 as


    nothing to do with the course its self just the level of training within
    education and training.

    both course’s will train to imca guidelines ROV Pilot 11 to be able to work as a Trainee thats all.

    the tafe is 700 AUS cheaper thats all

    8,800 for tafe and 9500 for that diver training centre




    Glen Prior

    I contacted Challenger TAFE a couple of months ago to see if they still run their ROV course and got the following reply:

    "Thank you for your enquiry. We haven’t run an ROV course since June 2009 due to the low demand for trainees at the moment. We schedule our courses to meet industry demand to ensure our trainees have the maximum chance of gaining employment in the industry. At the moment, it is not a good time to be entering the industry, in Australia at least. There is a glut of experienced personnel, partly due to the global financial crisis, and partly due to recent tax law changes encouraging operators working overseas to return to Australia for the higher rates, now that they have to pay more tax."

    One of my friends was on that last course, a Navy Electronics Technician, and he was unable to secure a job on completion of the course.

    It would be worthwhile contacting the TAFE again though as things may have changed.


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