Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Chances of a job?

Chances of a job?

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Chances of a job?

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    I have been in the electrical contracting industry for 12 years, 4 of which as a project manager, and 3 in Thailand, furthermore I have extensive experience in electronic systems (lighting control systems, fire and security systems etc). As well as being a qualified electrician I also have an NC in electrical & electronic engineering. I am considering taking the ROV course at Fort William, I want to be sure that there is good possibility of work following course, any thoughts would be most appreciated.


    Global Marine course in Portland has better press recently and is cheaper.

    Ray Shields

    Why do you think you need to do an ROV training course? Start sending your CV out to apply for jobs, read through the How To Lay Out You CV section on here (see link on the left).

    You already have what employers are looking for, 99% of employees send new trainees on their own ROV training course anyway, you would really waste your own time and money taking a course at a training school.


    Hi Ray

    Thanks for responding.
    My reason for considering the training course was because it was their website that I came across first, however since reading this forum it has caused me to reconsider, many people have said that the course is only worth taking if you have a technical background which I have, also all of the jobs that I have seen advertised require ROV experience which I don’t have, do you think the ROV training only is worth it in my situation.



    Ray Shields

    Hi Ray

    Thanks for responding.
    My reason for considering the training course was because it was their website that I came across first, however since reading this forum it has caused me to reconsider, many people have said that the course is only worth taking if you have a technical background which I have, also all of the jobs that I have seen advertised require ROV experience which I don’t have, do you think the ROV training only is worth it in my situation.



    The adverts you are talking about are for already established ROV pilots. You are looking for an ROV Trainees job. Even if you attended ANY of the training schools, you would NEVER leave an ROV Pilot (no matter what any of them tell you).

    Read through here and on Rons ROV links for details of ROV companies in the area you are in. Be aware most will only take on trainees that live in their areas (e.g. if you wanted a trainee job with a UK ROV company they would expect you to live in the UK or at very least Western Europe)

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