Home Forums Miscellaneous Website & Forum Updates – Suggestions – Problems Change in URL for accessing ROVworld.com

Change in URL for accessing ROVworld.com

Home Forums Miscellaneous Website & Forum Updates – Suggestions – Problems Change in URL for accessing ROVworld.com

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  • #3264
    James McLauchlan

    Change in URL for accessing ROVworld.com

    For a number of years we have provided access to this site through the following link: http://www.rovworld.com/phpnuke/

    After due consideration we have decided to drop the extension ‘/phpnuke/ and shift everything across to the main ‘root’ url.

    This will mean that, soon, typing in http://www.ROVworld.com will take you directly to the main front page of this site.

    If you have bookmarked us in the past you may need to adjust your bookmark accordingly.

    best regards
    ROVworld admin

    Ray Shields

    Good, for years I kept trying to type puke!

    James McLauchlan


    James McLauchlan

    This site can now be accessed using simply: http://www.rovworld.com

    You may need to log in again vie the new URL.

    We’ve had to move a lot of files so if anyone notices any issues please send me a PM

    best regards
    James Mc

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