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Companies with good vessels…

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    After hearing about all the shite vessels to avoid like the plague, what about the vessels to look out for that are good?

    I will nominate CS Cable Retriever as the best vessel I ever sailed on, but since I got into Oil&Gas 2 years ago I have struggled to find anything close.

    Murray Blom

    Silly idea that, leaving the cable industry 😕

    Cable indusrty – CS Wave Venture, lovely vessel.

    Oil&Gas – ??????? haven’t come across one yet ❗


    Well the reason for leaving the cable industry is clearly money, lots more in the oil and gas sector, as to shite vessels in the oil and gas sector you are clearly working for the wrong company, in the wrong part of the world or getting all the shite dayrate work.
    There shit loads of good vessels out there.


    Andy Shiers

    Polarqueen was a good liner to work on 🙂
    Remember it Pondlife 😆


    ROV_VALLEY_COMMANDO you are correct the money is far superior, also work more interesting. Just interested to know which ships are the best rather than your assumptions.


    There are heeps of good vessels out there. What determines a good vessel, is it accomodation, which is great on most cable ships due to the fact they are alongside for the majority of the year?

    Look at the Cable Venture which is lovely alongside but crap on the job due to being old, underpowered and converted ferry that rolls like a tub.

    A lot of us work on Supply ships which can be old with four man cabins or modern with just 2 man cabins but generally there is nowwhere to go after shift.

    There are purpose built ships which tend to be better accomodation and you tend to get your TV, DVD player in the cabin. And there tends to be a some sort of rec room to retire to after shift. Generally these are better ships to be on.

    Things that can make a ship shit no matter how well it is designed is the food, it can be good or bad where ever you go. A good ship can be ruined by the standard of food and likewise a shit ship can be made enjoyable because the food is great. Another thing that makes a good working ship shit is the atmosphere onboard, if you have a tosser OM that can change the whole atmosphere onboard.

    Basically a ship is what you make of it, I have had some folk say they enjoyed this ship, when I have heard others say it was shit.


    Rob Pattenden

    Just to let you guys know that if there are any 3rd Engineers out there I have a job on the Wave Venture, which is currently alongside in Victoria, Canada and another one on the Cable Retreiver which is in the South China Sea at the moment. Apparently SSP only give jobs on the very best ships…! 🙂


    The OSV Relume is the best ship I’ve worked on in the O&G sector. Pure class! The thing is that I work mostly eyeball/light workclass, which often means chartered supply vessels or ageing DSV’s. Standards vary but as long as food is ok and cabin is clean(with en-suite), then I don’t mind.


    Can’t go wrong with the noggie vessels generaly DOF/GEO and the like all there vessels are pretty good. The likes of the Subsea Viking, Siesranger, Polaris, Perseus, Neptune, Patagonia(DOF Owned) that S club have, no complaints there, i could go on but wont.


    Murray Blom


    I don’t work in the wrong part of the world, I work in a nice warm part of it 😀 I’ve tried the shitty cold NS patrolled by the Safety Nazis, who are not in the slightest bit interested in your safety only in their Stop Card quota and you can keep that even if you are paid an extra 10 quid a day ❗

    Was asked if I wanted to join a Cable boat on a regular rotation last Nov, 310 quid and they were expecting a pay rise in the new year….. Didn’t go in the end, got a few more quid in the O&G industry in a country I much prefer working in, but 310 a day for sitting alongside sunbathing isn’t that bad is it???? Or am I totally in the dark as to rates???? Seems reasonable looking at the ROV Rates section of this forum 😯

    Yes I have been on some good boats in O&G but they are nothing like the cable industry. I.E. never been on a O&G boat with one man cabins, have been the only man in the cabin but it was not built for single occupancy.

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