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Considering ROV Pilot

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Considering ROV Pilot

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  • #6407

    Hi guys,

    I’m thinking of looking into becoming an ROV Pilot, Is this something I could go straight into after completing the required courses ? And this leads me to the next question as I’m not entirely sure on which courses i would need ?

    So if someone could point me in the right direction I would be very grateful 😀


    damian archbold

    You need to read everything you can on this forum before asking silly questions. You obviously haven’t done your research so standby for silly answers

    Steven White

    For preventing you to read all this f.a.q., I’ll say thay you have no chance to jump in industry. Or it’s equal to 0.0001%, so if you have no connections in any offshore company or man who will recommend you – there is no future. Courses don’t give anything useful, except the row in CV, without real experience there is no need to bring you in team. 🙂

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