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Convictions (Please help)

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Convictions (Please help)

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    I know plenty of people in this game who have been banned from driving because of the pop.
    Should not be a problem as there are trains, taxis, airplanes.
    don’t worry about it


    I remember I had a classmate before in training with a driving ban and he had found a job before in ROV… just to let you know that this kind of things might not be a big disadvantage as long as you are determined enough to pursue it and have learned your lesson. And as long as you wont do it on the job hehe 😉


    Most of the people i know in the ROV industry are piss heads anyway so you would be amongst friends or could even be elevated to a higher status re recent events




    Bob, from experience i know a lad that got refused a U.S and a Brazilian visa due to having a DD on his license, but there is plenty work elsewhere.


    Could be wrong, but I think you can go work in the US under the business visa waiver scheme. But you should investigate.

    Ray Shields

    Having the conviction will stop you getting visas for certain countries. When allplying for jobs you might be thought of as being difficult to get to the worksites as you cant drive a hire car.

    But from what I read, you are new and want to get into ROVs, getting a job through an Agency or Day Rate is very difficult if you are not experienced. I know from stories on here there have been 1 or 2 people who have been taken on through an Agency as a trainee, but in the majority companies got to Agencies for experienced people, not to pay someone and then also have to train them.

    And before you look at going to any training schools look at your CV, look at your qualifications and experience. If you are not already qualified or have a technical background, on the whole doing an ROV training course will not lift your chances of a job.

    Always one or 2 exceptions but on the whole you have to be technical to start with.

    Alex Kerr

    As per the previous post, the biggest problem you may face is visas although in some places motoring offences are discounted (but for the most serious).
    My suggestion would be to keep plugging away for a trainee position, as in the first instance I assume you will be applying to UK based outfits, and make up your own mind on any future, based on the response you receive.




    Ray Shields

    To be honest I wouldn’t worry about a DD conviction stopping you getting visas to some places (if it would affect it). Biggest problem would be not being able to drive a hire car from your house to the airport. Theres enough other work closer to home. Your main priority is to get a start in ROVs.

    If you read through the various messages on here you will see there is a split as to whether an ROV training course will help you get a job, some say yes some say no. My opinion is that you need to have a suitable technical background in qualifications and experience FIRST. Without that your chances are very slim.

    4-5 years of experience and a C&G is a good start. How about increasing these skills with NVQ/SVQs covering Hydraulics or high voltage electrics? Most companies don’t even consider your ROV training course an advantage and woud just stick you through their own training anyway. And these courses aint cheap.

    Have a look at the advice in the FAQs and check your CV to see if you can improve it.

    Quote from an Ops Manager "I want to take people on to teach them about ROVs – I do not want to take people on to teach them to become Engineers"



    Ray Shields

    For info on the hire car, these cost the Companies about £20-£30 a day they usually use a large Hire Car "Agency" (such as CountryWide) who can get deals to drop off and pick up hire cars for free. So they dont have to pay for a car to sit about. They say "deliver a car to this address and pt it on hire from this time".

    A hire car is usually a lot cheaper than taxis and trains for them. As to how often its required – it depends on where you live and where you will be flying out to work.

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