Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? Craig Black is off to Auz

Craig Black is off to Auz

Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? Craig Black is off to Auz

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    But who will be replacing him?
    at DOFSubsea in ABZ. 🙄

    James McLauchlan

    I hope Craig enjoys himself. Whom ever he may be.


    ROV Manager at DOF Subsea UK…

    Guess he’s been sent down under to replace Steve Brown who’s been pushed further up the ladder to CEO of DOF Subsea globally.

    Ray Shields

    Craigs on the move is he? Hope all goes well for him (e-Fugro Skandi Carla – left after he had enough after the near miss when the cursor fell down crushing XL27 whch would have killed any of the ROV guys if they had still been working on it at the time)

    Miserable bastard but still a good lad 😀 😀 😀



    Granny Black is off…? 😯

    Like Ray says, good lad, grumpy bugger and no doubt owes me (and numerous others, being a weegie) a few beers but…

    All the best 😀

    P.S. any jobs going in Oz?


    Who’s getting his slot?


    Monkey 😉


    Keith Robathan


    Craig is taking up the position of RSU Manager with Subsea7 / Technip Joint Venture in Perth.

    Best of Luck

    Ewan McKen

    Congratulations Craig.

    Hope you enjoy Oz (you have been talking about it for long enough).


    Craigs on the move is he? Hope all goes well for him (e-Fugro Skandi Carla – left after he had enough after the near miss when the cursor fell down crushing XL27 whch would have killed any of the ROV guys if they had still been working on it at the time)

    The DOF engineer should have been shot instead of the slap on the wrist!

    Old XL 27 was lucky she never ended up looking like an MFI flat pack but then again she was a hardy brute.

    Hope Craig enjoys his new job.


    Craigs on the move is he? Hope all goes well for him (e-Fugro Skandi Carla – left after he had enough after the near miss when the cursor fell down crushing XL27 whch would have killed any of the ROV guys if they had still been working on it at the time)

    The DOF engineer should have been shot instead of the slap on the wrist!

    Old XL 27 was lucky she never ended up looking like an MFI flat pack but then again she was a hardy brute.

    Hope Craig enjoys his new job.]

    That was not a very happy shift that day. To put what Ray said into perspective to be injured in that incident you would have had to be stood ontop of the TMS. As it was when the engineer was working on the leaking pump the ROV crew was drinking tea in the coffee shop.

    There were a lot of factors involved that day and the engineer although he was the individual working on the system was not fully up to speed on the LARS system and he was only preparing the leaking pump for Odin to come out and do the actual warranty repair work.

    The politics started straight away and Craig was put in an awful postion right in the middle of it. I cannot blame him for moving on afterwards and as one of the crew on shift at the time of the incident I have to point out that there were at least four other very experienced guys on shift at the time who also did not notice what later became a very obvious risk.

    Lots of lessons learnt that day from an incident with no personnel injuries which is the important thing.

    Good luck in Oz Craig.


    Well, its just another lesson learned, do not put yourself in a dangerous position!

    To be safe, avoid all Odim products!


    Got a mate who told me about that day and is very lucky no one was hurt but then again its a near miss and lessons was learnt from the day ,a basic jsa would have picked up the almost disaster away to unfold ,just shows you that the basic saftey tool is still the jra ,all i heard is cursor fell on rov ,yes this should never have happend end of



    paperwork was in place…..however, you cannae account for the ships engineering buffoon’s incompetence whilst working on the winch braking system

    if it wisnae fur a fellow rov holmboy shouting on the guy who was on top o the boat to "come for a cuppa tea" it’d be a different story
    ………….said man now never refuses a cuppa anymore

    anywyya, all the best to blackie, his health will improve no end in the sun

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