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Curious about pay

Home Forums General General Board Curious about pay

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    Scott Garvey

    I was curious as the general feeling about pay . I work for one of the big gulf companies…………. I made about 50k last year and worked about 9 months………am I about average for a tech or below ? The GBD thing throws me off…whats the ratio to a USD ? Just looking for some feedback . 🙄



    Check out the ‘rates’ table in the forum, that’ll give you an idea.

    GBP & USD: check out this link:


    £1 = $1.96 at the moment.

    50k in which currency? Either way for 9 months your being shafted or really shafted. I know guys working in the GoM as pilot techs and they’re on £300 ($588) a day. But then again it will depend on your experience.


    Scott Garvey

    Well……i am just a 1 year green FNG,,,,so I guess that is not bad since I do not know much…..but Jesus 580 a day mannnnnnnnnnnnnn thats nice , I made @ 50 K USD . But are we underpayed compared to rest of the world in the GUlf ……….The board seems scattered . Just curious .

    Andy Shiers

    Depends whether you’re American or not 😀


    If like me your Oceaneering AG (UK,Europe,Africa, Asia etc) Then we are prohibited from working day rate GOM for this very reason we can lord it over you 2-1 per unit plus they find out that we fix fly paperwork Bla Bla do 14 hour days and wonder why they send out tech’s in BLACK covies to rescue you from a slip ring change then ask you if you have any ideas how to do it!!! Great you guys never cease to amaze me Priceless especially when you tell them your day rate is the same just a different currency!!
    Here’s a thought tell them you met a stunning girl in the UK and you now live there if they want you, can I have a GBP contract, tell them your point of hire is London. Then when you earn double day rate take six return flights cheap of the internet a year to Heathrow, Bob’s your aunt fanny etc. QUIDS($) in Cheif.


    Andy Shiers

    We don’t want Yanks back over here again 👿
    Tit for Tat
    While them drawling ,chewing tobbaco freaks in womens boots were over here in the seventies and eighties and big mouthing off over how much they were earning , could we get a looks in over there ? Trying to get a
    " Green card " from some four-eyed ,hatted , tinted shaded sunglassed migration officer Is like coaxing a pidgeon onto your hand with some bird feed !
    More chance of getting laid on a tennis court ! 🙁
    Bitter ! 👿 I most certainly 100 % am !
    Let them work for monkey nuts ! better still let them work for lead ones ! 👿


    Not a fan of the septic tanks then lostboy.

    Andy Shiers


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