Home Forums ROV ROV Pay Rates Current Pay Rates

Current Pay Rates

Home Forums ROV ROV Pay Rates Current Pay Rates

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    Was wondering if we could get a current pay rate grid going again. There is a lot of upcoming work, and it is good to know what are the going rates in different parts of the world.

    Here’s what I know

    Compass Personnel – GOM (Gulf of Mexico)
    trainee $250 to $325 door to door
    P/T $350-$500 door to door

    James McLauchlan

    Hi Galleon

    We were working on that as you posted.

    The original document complete with all the rates was not lost as we had local copies of that.

    The rates idea proved so popular that we have now given it it’s very own Category.
    Look for it under the General Board.

    I believe Compass are an agency.
    It would also help if we knew the ROV operator (Company) as well.
    Can you please email the rates to: rates@ROVworld.com and also add that info.

    best regards

    Scott Beveridge

    🙁 Galleon,

    Don’t go out for that pittance!!! Add another 100++

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