A man was once born as just a head, no arms or anything. Anyway, on his 18th birthday his dad takes him to a pub to celebrate. They go the bar and they order.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, i’d walk out of here right now” urged the barman.
“No it’s my sons 18th and I’m going to buy him a drink!”
So the son drank his pint and out of nowhere suddenly sprouts a chest. Everyone’s amazed at this so the dad decides to buy another drink.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, i’d walk out of here right now” urged the barman.
“No it’s my sons 18th and I’m going to buy him a drink!”
So the son drank his pint and out of nowhere suddenly sprouts arms Everyone’s more amazed at this so the dad decides to buy another drink.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, i’d walk out of here right now” said the barman.
“No it’s my sons 18th and I’m going to buy him a drink!”
So the son drank his pint and out of nowhere suddenly sprouts hands Everyone’s amazed at this so the dad decides to buy another drink.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, i’d walk out of here right now” said the barman.
“No it’s my sons 18th and I’m going to buy him a drink!”
So the son drank his pint and out of nowhere suddenly sprouts thighs. Everyone’s amazed at this so the dad decides to buy another drink
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, i’d walk out of here right now” said the barman.
“No it’s my sons 18th and I’m going to buy him a drink!”
So the son drank his pint and out of nowhere suddenly sprouts a knees and shins. Everyone’s amazed at this so the dad decides to buy another drink.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, i’d walk out of here right now” said the barman.
“No it’s my sons 18th and I’m going to buy him a drink!”
So the son drank his pint and out of nowhere suddenly sprouts feet.
By this time the son is quite drunk indeed so they stagger outside. Being drunk and not used to walking the son staggers into a car and is runover and killed.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Quit whilst you’re a-head