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Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner de mobbing

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    robert godbold

    Hi everyone, I’m currently in the Air force as a Mech tech and leaving in the next 6 months. I’ve done the so called ‘taster’ course at fort William sore it as a new challenge and want to get started in the industry .I have a lot of hydraulic experience and minimal electrical, i maybe looking to spend an ELC on a ROV course at one of big training places but heard rumours to not bother and so on and so on………………..if any ones got and good gen and good info as to where to go next would be good and much appreciated.(I’ve got a BOSIET + MIST sorted )

    😀 cheers guys



    Hi Rob,

    From my point of view Trainee ROV PT is V.hard to get into. I decided to look at how I can improve my chances but still earn money, so I now work Offshore in Germany as a Mech/Hydraulic tech and get a decent income but I am still searching hard for a start as a trainee PT as this is my main goal that im aiming for (and WILL get). I have 12 yrs Mechanical/Hyadraulic/Electrical(auto) experience, have worked in Offshore and Onshore Oil & Gas and currently work Offshore in renewable energy. I currently work on a jack up rig so I have sea time, discharge book, loads of tickets, marine experience, I also have platform experience, FPSO experience ect – I can’t even get an interview it’s coming up to 2 years of searching in September – Oh I also know a couple of other PT supervisors and ROV HR management and still nothing. I’m not sure what it is with ROV I got a start Offshore oil and gas within a couple of months due to my mechanical experience but ROV nothing……I’ve also been well informed that course is a waste of time it doesn’t make you a PT 2 it basically just proves your serious due to spending silly amounts of money on a course – you will soon come to realise most these offshore courses are money spinners- I’ve just been sent on a 4 day HSE Offshore first aid course and the instructor ran out of info on 3rd day and sent us home at 2:30 each day easily could’ve done in 2 days!! 😕 Hope this helps just being honest with my experience so far!!

    robert godbold

    Hi LMAC, thanks for the honest opinion!!!!! but on the other sid eof the coin ive heard the complete opposite to what you have said , other people having found jobs as easy as you like and some like your self who have no luck ! same with the course some say do it and some say dont bother !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,who knows! 😀

    cheers any way

    Raven Brink

    Wow LMAC , the experience you have sounds fantastic, but it is also about the hours, and the trainee pilot positions are jammed pack full by so many people that have way less experience than you. Keep remembering though, once you are in you can only keep on going, the ladder is quite high.

    Ray Shields

    If you have very little/no electrical and electronic qualifications and experience I would spend your time/effort/money improving those as they will mean so much more than any ROV Training School course.

    Companies want to employ people to maintain and repair their equipment, they know you cannot employ someone new who has any experience of ROVs as there are few ROVs elsewhere. Which is why they look at the skills and qualification of the person. The training on ROVs comes later.

    Sit Rep

    (quote}sore it as a new challenge{/quote]

    Is that the way they speak in Norfolk?

    Stephen Fry (and Lostboy) claim to be from there and yet I can understand everything the former says or writes!!!

    Good writing skills are an important part of CV / report writing and one hopes that you can master these before approaching my spread.

    Good luck anyhow, they need plenty of people at this time of the year in Northern Europe.

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