Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Desperate enough to work for free?

Desperate enough to work for free?

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Desperate enough to work for free?

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    Raven Brink

    By now I am almost at a tipping point. It is so incredibly tough to get into this ROV industry when you are just starting off, and being young does not count in your favour either. I truly want to get in there, get started, just to begin somewhere no matter how terrible the job might be and no matter in what part of the world.

    The majority of vacancies you see requires at the very bare minimum of 50 pilot hours. I started off in life wanting to be a rov pilot, done the hydraulic and electrical courses, went and did my electrical courses at an engineering collage. Thought I was pretty well set to get in there, But OH was I ever so wrong, you need a miracle or someone on the ‘inside’ to land any ROV related job when you are a newbie.

    Through a lucky break I got work as a survey technician, by now I know much more about hydrographical surveys than ROV’s. I have 2 years of routine rotation on some large vessels maintaining equipment paper pushing reports.

    Almost prepared to sell my soul and put myself out there as a voluntary worker, not demanding any money but just to acquire the hours and experience.

    One thing that rings absolutely true is, the Rov world is about experience, that is it. How to get experience without getting the chance must be the question and feeling in every new ROV pilot/technician’s mind, I am sure.

    From the more experienced guys, is working for free worth it? (I’ll have to quit a permanent job)

    How did you guys start out? (not talking about the people who their companies sent to do a ROV course)

    James McLauchlan

    Never offer to work for free. You’ll not be liked for it and it will undermine rates… and they are low enough already!

    For some reason S African Divers were also offering to work the first trip for free in the 80’s. That went down like a lead balloon with the troops offshore!
    Is working for Free a S African thing?

    Raven Brink

    I guess it feels more difficult getting into the international market being a South African (personally). I cannot say if that is the truth. You have many South African contractors taking advantage of people in the offshore industry, hiring South Africans out to companies at a competitive rate and then the guy doing the work barely gets 20%(or less) of the rate that is being paid to the contractor company.

    Most of us want to break free from these contractor companies and work for the company requiring the work directly.

    It is a terrible feeling once you learn of how much they fill their pockets with money you generate.


    If you want to work for free, than please go here: http://is.gd/BNris6
    They’re willing to help you for free.

    Sit Rep

    I know they’ll be up in arms about this suggestion!

    Maybe South Africa just needs to reform its tax laws.

    Once the broeders have to pay the same taxes as other westerners they’ll soon start playing on the same field!

    On a different note, it’s always hard to break into this field (unless you’re related (not me), persistence and appropriate knowledge are key.


    Carlos Miguel

    I felt the same as you do, that’s way back 5 years ago.

    We have all the sources to look for a job not only in ROV industry, only if you do your search and you go for a proper channel to send your application. 5 years ago, I am still working in an electronincs manufacturing company but I spent everyday 2-4 hours looking in the internet which company to apply with. It is not enough you send your CV to the HR Manager, like Oceaneering Singapore, you must fill up their application and create your CV online on their official website. Same thing with Subsea 7. I prefer you apply with Fugro Middle East.

    Start as a Base Technician, from there you will gain more knowledge how the ROV system works. Piloting is the second skills you will learn along the way. Your Supervisor will not be comfortable if you only know how to fly but dont know how to fix an intermittent AC LIM.

    Don’t be desperate, I know that you will be fine soon.

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