Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Diver wanting to re-train.

Diver wanting to re-train.

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Diver wanting to re-train.

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  • #3869

    Hi folks. Would being an experienced diver and having worked as a Data Recorder enhance my job prospects if I decided (finally) to re-train as a pilot tech? The reason I ask is I’m finding it increasingly difficult to make a living out of diving and even tho’ a lot of you out there say you’re low-paid, at least there seems to be the regularity of work.
    Any feedback will be gratefully received,


    Having a divng background and experience as a data dawg are going to be in your favour when it comes go presenting your CV to prospective employers, however spending a lot of money on a course at this particular time in the industry cycle in my opinion is a total waste of time, effort and money.
    You will find it even more difficult to find regular work and make a living out of something that you have no experience in.

    By all means do the course, pay your money, send your CV off to hundreds of companies… now is not the time to do it.

    Harsh, but realistic.

    John Rush

    one x-diver to another: if you dont mind working GOM and like paying tax to support the welfare state we have become… now may actually be a good time to get in. I have had some positive feedback from a couple of companies in the gulf in the past few weeks. just make sure you fire off your CV, and follow up with phone calls at a minimum before you do the course, you may get lucky. better yet, get yourself down to morgan city and your odds probably increase 10 fold.



    Thanks Guys. Having done a bit of research, I don’t think that at this time I want to take the gamble and have to start from square one all over again. I remember how frustrating and what a downright pain in the arse getting my first break was in diving.
    I’ll still consider it for the future, but the same as a lot of folk offshore, I’m gonna carry on sitting back and tightening my belt until things in general look up.
    As for GoM, I’d work there but have to go thru’ all the rigmarole of getting a visa,etc, before I can even think about it.
    Once again, thanks guys.
    ps. I did go thru the FAQ’s, but there was nothing on rookies with or without offshore experience!

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