Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Do you love your job in ROV once you get one?

Do you love your job in ROV once you get one?

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Do you love your job in ROV once you get one?

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  • #20084
    Scott Beveridge

    I actually love the job …but not some of the people or conditions i have to work with sometimes.

    That’s the understatement of the week A.!!

    Andy Shiers

    Ive got loads of time on my hands

    A bit of the devil in ya by chance 😈


    Hey Booter…… just wondering why you would want to pay for a course with your experience level in aviation? seems a waste of money unless it is a requirement for the industry down under.

    Andy Shiers

    Yes 😀

    Scott Beveridge

    Ready?? Here it comes…. Booter, do not, I repeat, do not take the course (albeit a decent one) unless of course, the prospective company require it. And as Ray Shields states, try to have the company pay for it… You’ve got a huge advantage over multitudes of the new guys. Use it accordingly…


    Hi All,
    Many thanks for the responses. I have taken all on board and appreciate the time taken.

    I have read the opinions carefully and will take it, in a general sense, the industry is a good one to be in.

    Am going to take the medical and then a safety course and go from there.

    I wouldnt mind familiarising myself with a few machines though. I have quickly looked through the forums and have not found much tech data at all.

    Does any one have a training manual or some technical data I could take a look at? Preferrably in digital format?

    I am sure some will say ownership of this is held by certain companies but would be great if we could get past that?

    I have some aircraft type training manuals if anyone wants a good read?? (grin)



    If you’de asked me yesterday, I would have said I loathed the job…today now the sub is ‘working’ I would say I’m back to liking it…that’s why I ‘love’ it! 😀

Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)
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